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Photography Functions And Applications Research In Sports News

Posted on:2015-07-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431993334Subject:Humanities and sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With economic development, people’s pace of life increasingly fast, they need get morevaluable information within a limited time. Picture has a features of visual, image and art,making it spread more easily than words for people accepted, and the rapid development ofimaging technology and information technology provide a broad space for pictureapplications, and promote the image conveyed in the application. Today, in the networkenvironment, the importance of image in some ways even beyond the text as the informationcarrier, which is manifested in sports news. So the news media, how to use language featuresnews photography, shooting sports news events representative of the moment, the sports newsevents out of the photographs taken by the expression of objective, true image, highlightingthe nature and impact of the event, have an effect of " a picture is worth a thousand words ",has become one of the important topics of concern to the field of sports journalism. In view ofthis, in today’s era of visual communication background, sports photojournalism picturefunctions and applications issues are researched. Hope has some means for the sportsphotojournalism efficient applications.This article is divided into four parts: The first part analysis the research background,describes the significance and research value. The second part analyzes the specific researchmethods and routes used by the study and research institutes to study as much as possible sothat readers have a clear understanding. The third part of the study is the photographic imagefunction, analyzed from the landscaping layout to increase readability news, enhance realismand visual impact of sports news etc. The fourth study was photographic images in thespecific application of sports news. Analysis of the basic principles were applied, the commonfactors as well as specific application strategy and other issues. Research shows, photographicimages in the application of sports news is the inevitable trend of development, we must payattention to the application problems, can we be able to make sports news more in line withthe needs of the audience, to obtain further development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Photography, Sports News, Application Performance, Application Strategy
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