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The Design And Development Of Students Learning Process Management System

Posted on:2015-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y SuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431973501Subject:Industrial engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Students’ learning process management is an important part of college teaching indispensable, should be paid more attention. However, the vast majority of colleges and universities are still using the traditional manual management mode to managing the usual information about students’ learning processes, The fact that it has been far from satisfying the needs of school teaching, This topic is to solve the above problem, And put forward with the Northeast Agricultural University’s "Stage Examination" management work, gainst defects and deficiencies of the traditional management model, put forward the process of teaching computer technology, to achieve the information of student learning process management, thereby improving the efficiency of university teaching management, reduce labor costs, improve the teaching process.This article describes the development process of the learning process management system; strictly follow the development process of software engineering, which are system analysis, system design, system implementation and system testing four links, achieve the demand of the system. The main feature of this system is The SSH framework is applied to student learning process management system, its introduction can improve the efficiency of system development. In addition, the design of this system and the anticipated the information industry leading technology, such as The Internet of things, cloud and the technology of data mining.In this paper, the system is divided into three layers is introduced into the framework, the presentation layer Struts2framework implements these paration page display and business, so that the two can be developed independently. The application layer of the spring framework reduces the dependencies between each layer, to improve the compatibility between layers.The introduction of the Hibernate framework to solve the lack of Spring framework in the data layer. The SSH framework technology is introduced in the system not only to optimize the code structure, improve development efficiency, but also can improve the performance of the system.The main work of this paper is divided into the following sections:(1) the select of system development framework, analysis of existing frameworks and technologies advantages and disadvantages, decided to develop students’ learning process management system based on SSH framework。(2) Through the analysis of the same type of system and the teacher to the student learning process information management of the business process of the late research, laid the foundation for system design stage. Which determine the performance of the system requirements and functional requirements, and has carried on the feasibility analysis.(3) According to the system requirements for student learning process management system for the detailed design, including functional architecture design, detailed design, and database design capabilities and system design on the basis of the realization of the basic functions of the system.After the realization of the system, eventually forming a unified user interface, friendly operating, stable operation and has good scalability learning process management system that can be applied to the daily management of the actual teaching work.
Keywords/Search Tags:learning process management, B/S mode, MVC framework, SSH framework, the datamining
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