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Consumerism Tendencies Analysis Of News In Chinese Commercial Portal Websites

Posted on:2015-04-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330431956142Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the prevailing media consumerism culture, the consumerism tendenciesof network media are more obvious comparing to the traditional media. Networkmedia present their own new features, among which the most obvious one is thecommercial portal websites. Ever since1998, the commercial portal websitesdevelop rapidly, whose influence surpasses the official news websites and thetraditional media. So this article probes the consumerism tendencies of news incommercial portal websites from phenomenon, reasons, to inwardness throughcomparing to the traditional media.Firstly, this article concludes the phenomenon of consumerism tendencies ofnews in commercial portal websites, which include news change into news fast food,entertainment, despise the poor and curry favor with the rich etc. Secondly, thisarticle probes the reasons of consumerism tendencies of news in commercial portalwebsites, which composed of three factors including operate ideology, institutionalarrangement and production process.In all, the commercial portal websites havereduced the conflicting possibility between culture values and market values to thelowest. Thirdly, this article believes consumerism tendencies of news in commercialportal websites is an inevitable tendency, which can be proved by four aspects,namely the consumer society, media environment, audiences and the commercialportal websites. This article believes that the consumerism tendencies of news in thecommercial portal websites exert positive influence while acknowledging itsnegative influence, namely partly turn the cultural democracy into true and partlyremodel media publicness of commercial portal websites.This article analyses the performances and reasons of consumerism tendenciesof news in commercial portal websites in order to reveal and survey its inwardness.From the audiences’ perspectives, only when they realize the true purpose of thecommercial portal websites, can they treat the news of the commercial portalwebsites dialectically, instead of accepting all of them, at the same time they can setup healthy consumption concept in the condition of distinguishing the nature ofconsumerism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commercial portal websites, News, Consumerism, Reasons, Inevitability
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