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Research On Calibration Of Electronic Control System For Motorcycle Engine

Posted on:2015-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422489214Subject:Power Machinery and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The vehicle emissions problem is getting more and more serious in recent years,especially the thick weather has occurred in many places in China, part of the reason isthe motorcycle, in order to reduce the emission of the motorcycle, it is an inevitabletrend to apply the electronic control technology. As for the development of theelectronic control software in the motorcycle, the most effective and cost-conservativemethod is developing a set of motorcycle control software platform. The main purposeof this paper is studying the motorcycle software development platform, including thesimulation device, motorcycle control device system and measure system platformsoftware and hardware, then it is the correctness test and evaluation in the end.This paper starts from the development of the analog sensor, including the singlechip machine system applied in the crankshaft position sensor, temperature sensor,throttle sensor, power supply voltage sensor and other sensors, which laid a foundationfor the motorcycle electric control system software development platform. Andconducted measurement and precise calculation to the signal generated by analogsensors, the result is in accordance with the original mold.This subject emphasizes on the double-interface RAM design in thetelecommunication mold, it not only improved the transferring speed of the data, butalso reduced the working intensity of CPU, and further promoted the workingefficiency of the control system. And several experiments have already proved that it isfeasible, and it could reduce the electromagnetic interference as well.At last, it conducts a series of tests to the platform, including the ignition advanceangle changes with the turning speed while the TP throttle position remain the same,the ignition advance angle changes with the TP throttle position while the turningspeed remain the same. The changes of the injection advance angle under different turning speed situation. And make comparison between the collected data and theoriginal mold, the results have shown that the TP throttle position maintain at the50%,the ignition advance angle`s changes with the turning speed; the turning speed is4000rad/min, ignition advance angle change with the TP throttle position and the injectionadvance angle changes with the turning speed are in accordance with the mold. Theseall further proved that the motorcycle software platform are successful.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motorcycle Engine, Control of Microcomputer, Analog signaldevice, Measurement system
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