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Development Of The New Photoelectric Automatic Target-scoring System

Posted on:2015-12-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422479651Subject:Electronic and communication engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, with the development and popularization of shooting sports andcompetitions, manual target-scoring, the high-risk, inefficient traditional methods cannot meet the needs of many occasions. The upgrating of target-scoring equipmentsindicated that high-efficiency, high-intelligence and low-risk has become an inevitabletrend of development. In addition, manual target-scoring workload greatly, it’s noteasy for the commanding officer, observer and shooting staff to find out the situationof shots, so it couldn’t feedback shooting imformations instantly, also it’s not useful toraising the level of shooting staff. For comparison, the automatic taget-scoring systemhas proprietary algorithms, it can help to advance the accuracy of rings on taget, countreasult automatically. Besides, the new system can enhance the timeliness, improvethe efficiency of training, make the workers in a safe condition, it’s totally with thetrend of the development of intelligent and automation. In summary, the developmentof a new type of automatic taget-scoring system is important and meaningful.The new type of photoelectric automatic target-scoring system designed in thispaper is mainly composed by the following parts, real-time data acquisition, centraldata processing, data transmission and PC display. The system has high precision andstability. Traditional photoelectric automatic taget-scoring system works with a“one-on-one” mode, one laser transmitter corresponds to one photodetector, theproblem it brings is that there are too many components in system produce largeamount of heat and the power consumption is serious, also since both dimension ofthe sensor itself, we can’t optimization shooting accuracy in a specific space. The newtype of system designed in this paper mainly composed by two laser transmitterswhose divergence angle is120degrees and large numebers of tiny photodetectors, itworks with a “one-to-many” mode, it reduces the number of laser emitters, lower thepower consumptions and enhances the stability of the system. At the same time I didsome optimization and innovative improvements by using the problems it feedback inthe actual test, also considering the relationship between the number of datatransmission channel and IO ports in the main processing core, scanning time periodand the time which the bullet get through light curtain.In the beginning of the paper, I summarized the development of domestic andinternational automatic target-scoring system. Based on the analysis of the features of various automatic target-scoring system at this stage, I find out the advantages anddisadvantages, put forward the corresponding solutions and implementationapproaches by summarizing the shortcomings. Then make a brief introduction of thecomposition and working principle of this new system, identified various main part ofthe system, formed an overall design concept and frame. After that, I spit each part topieces, introducing the specific function and achievement of each module in thissystem. At last, I describe the practical problems and solutions encountered indebugging and experiments, restore the debugging and testing process, analyse thefeedback of final data and pattern collection. The test results of live firing show thatthis new type of system meets the requirements of intelligent, automated,high-efficiency, high-precision and low-risk.
Keywords/Search Tags:Automatic target-scoring system, FPGA, Photoelectric, LabVIEW
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