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Research On The Combination Of Wireless&Wired In Universities’ Informatization

Posted on:2014-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2298330422469056Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
University informatization is a prerequisite for university teaching, researchandmanagement services, information construction of the university is an important aspect ofthe construction of the campus network. The campus network of students andadministrativepersonnel engaged in social, academic, and business activities areclosely linked, is the mainway of staff and students access to resources andinformation, is an important part of campuslife.In this paper, the necessity and feasibility of a combination of wired networksandwireless local area network build campus networks, especially the necessity ofconstructing wireless network analysis, research and campus network security issues, toensure the feasibility of the university information system.Currently, schools are mostly carried out and completed the erection of the wired LAN,the network infrastructure on a large scale expansion and increase the information point, thecable network has been basically to meet the user demand for high-speed network.Development of the wireless network is still in its infancy, the signal of the wireless campusnetwork stability and coverage is not satisfactory, wireless and wiredcombination ofUniversity information exists broad prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:wireless network, informatization, safety of network, CN
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