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Community Identity And Participation Of "New Generation" Rural Teachers

Posted on:2017-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330488495557Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Put forward in the third plenary session of the 18th CPC central committee balanced urban and rural education, is the means to implement "China education fair" and build a harmonious socialist society. To realize urban and rural integration and build a harmonious socialist society, the development of rural education, rural schools is the only way, the teachers are the crucial factors. However, with the change of the society, the structural adjustment of rural teachers happened gradually, more and more young teachers joined the troops of rural teachers. Compared with the traditional rural teachers, "new generation" rural teacher showing unadapt, difficulties and even conflict in the relationship with the rural community. "New generation" rural teachers are the fresh blood, the mainstay for rural education reform and rural school construction, its’ living conditions in the rural community and the relationship with rural community will directly affect the daily teaching and the development of rural education.The paper adopted qualitative research methods to depict the daily life, education and teaching activities in rural community of a primary school teachers’. The subject consist of the following parts:The first part is a preface, which simply explains research background, research purpose and meaning, defines the related core concepts, combs the current research situation on the community identity.The second part is the implementation of the study, mainly introduces research methods, theoretical preparation, the research object, the establishment of the research relationship, the process of the study and the collection of data.The third part is the main part of the thesis. Based on the collection and analysis of research data, the paper presents the real condition of rural teachers’community identity from the community cognition and interaction between rural teacher and the rural community.The fourth part is the analysis of the present condition of the rural teachers’ community identity. Combined with the present story, the paper analyses characteristics of the rural teachers’community identity include individuality, situational and conditionality; and influence factors about rural teachers’community identity include life experience and education experience, etc.The fifth part for the present situation of the "new generation" rural teachers’ community identity, influence factors, this article mainly comes up with some suggestions such as:clear rural education development concept; strengthen the rural community culture construction; deepen the "new generation" rural teachers’ cognition and understanding of local culture; improve the rural teachers’ living circumstances and give rural teachers’ reasonable social expectation.The sixth is the reflection and prospect of research. The reflection of this research through the following aspects:the identity of the researchers, the reliability and validity of the research (observation, interview, data collection and sorting), research ethics and so on, so as to put forward the research prospect.The seventh part is conclusion. Based on the case presenting the reality of the "new generation" rural teachers’community identity, from the angle of the researchers, puts forward some suggestions and hopes.
Keywords/Search Tags:"New generation" rural teachers, community identity, community participation, Qualitative research
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