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Investigation On Reading Status Of Primary School Teachers

Posted on:2017-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L XieFull Text:PDF
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Reading is an effective method to enhance the charm of the classroom, the necessary measure to guide students to read, and it is the only way to primary school teachers’ professional development.This study is a case study of the teachers in the primary school of Hunan Normal University, Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan Province.To understand the current situations of the school teachers of reading, the main problems and in order to explore the main reasons, I not only use questionnaire survey and interview as the main researchs but the observation as the secondanary method.At last,I try to come up with strategies from teachers, schools and social three angles. Paper contains four chapters:The first chapter is an introduction, including research the origin, significance, research content and research methods, defining the core concepts.The second chapter introduces the significance and the ideal state of the primary school teachers’ reading.The third chapter describes the status of the survey results and analysis of primary school teachers to read, respectively, from the time of reading attitude and reading, reading and reading selection bias, resources for reading and reading habits of four aspects of the investigation. Survey results show that the school teachers in the professional growth of teachers authorized to read aspects of importance, but it is not the role of accreditation for teaching reading and educational research; bias in reading, reading teacher presents entertainment, utilitarian color, the attendant is the "eclipse" of reading; in reading material, more like paper books; reading resources mainly from individuals to purchase; a personal collection of books focused on the 100-200 between annual consumption focused on reading between 200-300 yuan; reading is not planned and reflection, random read majority. The last record of a school to the classroom everyday.The fourth chapter explores the causes of reading status of teachers, and analyzed from both inside and outside. The main underlying reason is that teachers’ professional identity is not strong, weak awareness of professional development; the main external causes are reading scarcity of resources, poor reading environment, and the Senate is busy, no time to read.The last chapter proposes a solution for the existing problems, these responses covering teachers, schools and society in three aspects. Teachers need to respect the multi-covered, improve the knowledge structure and plan reading, reading habit of reading to stimulate their driving force; from schools to reduce the burden on teachers, improve the library building, build a platform for reading three to create reading atmosphere, improve the reading environment; you can start reading on social legislation, to promote reading by reading for all teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school teacher, reading, strategy
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