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The Research On The Development Of Young Teachers In Yingshan

Posted on:2016-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B C HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330482475932Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With more and more youths entering the basic education cause, young teachers’ development is directly connected with the future of students and the education. This thesis is targeted at young teachers in the first five years in the town of Yingshan. By means of questionnaire and interviews which visually reflects the young teachers’ living conditions, teaching situation, learning situation and mental state. The analysis found that young teachers are dissatisfied with their living conditions, housing conditions, especially low wages and a lack of social activities. In teaching, young teachers have academic qualifications and take them for granted that they are adequate to the work and can deal with problems actively in teaching. However, many complicated teaching assignments limited their development. They also have the awareness of continual learning, but lack of objective conditions and actions. Psychologically, it reflects that young teachers feel stressful, are low on the trait of conscientiousness and have strong Job burnout. The thesis is based on Maslow Hierarchy of Need Theory, analyzing a hierarchy of five needs of young teachers. Finally, I put forward some thoughts on improving the growth of young teachers from the angles of social factors, school factors and personal factors.
Keywords/Search Tags:young teachers, development, need
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