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Compulsory Education Development Countermeasures Study In The Process Of Urbanization Developed Areas

Posted on:2016-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2297330461951007Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Research on the development of compulsory education in the process of urbanization can improve the compulsory education in the research field of the scientific research level, according to the current situation and difficulties of compulsory education area of urban development in the understanding and research for the development of compulsory education, Maqiao town in the process of urbanization. The feasibility of the recommendations, and the compulsory education in the teaching the quality of the software and hardware facilities, schools, teachers team construction to make policies to support, to ensure the quality of Maqiao town of compulsory education in the course of urbanization can be fully developed. According to the eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party China report, "the Central Committee of the CCP about comprehensive reform of certain major issue decision" clearly the future urbanization development path, the main objectives and strategic task, overall fields related to system and policy innovation, new requirements go Chinese characteristics of new urbanization road, and comprehensively improve the quality of urbanization.This research mainly used for understanding and analysis of the Maqiao town urbanization process in the development of compulsory education in the status quo, analysis and control of towns reform and innovation brought to Maqiao town of compulsory education, on the basis of reference Ma Qiao Zhen compulsory education prospect, development direction, the formulation is applied to the development of China’s compulsory education policy, policy. This paper is divided into five sections. The following detail:The first chapter is an introduction. The chapter on the background and significance of the research are introduced in detail, and the domestic research progress made inquiry. At the same time, the content of the research method in this research and the research summarizes.The second chapter is the definition of related concepts. This chapter of the urbanization, the concept of urbanization, the urbanization of our country urbanization present situation, significance, compulsory education, balanced development of compulsory education in the concepts are summarized.The current situation of the development of compulsory education balanced the third chapter in the process of urbanization. This chapter from the population distribution, infrastructure, economic development these three aspects introduced the present situation of Minhang District Maqiao town of urbanization in Shanghai city; in addition to do the analysis from the allocation of education resources distribution, the input of compulsory education funds for compulsory education, school conditions, compulsory education teachers strength of these four aspects of the status quo of development of compulsory education in Minhang District Maqiao town Shanghai city; also summarized the balanced development of compulsory education in Minhang District Maqiao town of Shanghai city and measures. This paper think mainly in the following four measures: the pilot project of urban and rural integration, sharing high quality resources, the formation of connotation development leading mechanism, information boost education transformation; finally on the compulsory education in Minhang District Maqiao town Shanghai city development achievements are summarized, according to this article, mainly in the following four results: area nearby enrollment reached degree increased public satisfaction, to achieve the desired objectives, public education services equalization in place, compulsory education fairness guarantee.There are four chapters of our country compulsory education development in the process of urbanization problem. This chapter from the education and teaching equipment investment, investment, funding for compulsory education school running conditions, the status of students, teachers such several aspects to do a detailed analysis on the existing development of compulsory education in China’s urbanization problem.Compulsory education development strategy of the fifth chapter in the process of urbanization. The chapter on the urbanization development of compulsory education in the process of opinions, mainly in the following six points:(a) the school of urban and rural compulsory education and reasonable layout,(two) to effectively promote the compulsory education school standardization construction,(three) and comprehensively solve the rural teachers treatment and staffing issues,(four) improve education funds at accuracy,(five) the classification guidance preschool children compulsory education,(six) the construction planning of school construction funds,(six) the importance of the building of the contingent of teachers and enhancement of educational quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urbanization, Compulsory education, Balanced development
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