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Shaoyang City,Urban And Rural Development Present Situation And Difficulties Of Primary School Physical Education

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Primary school physical education is one of the important content of school sports,is the foundation for the development of school physical education, based on the basicsituation of Primary School Physical Education Department of Shaoyang city urban andrural comprehensive understanding, analysis of the combination of urban and ruralprimary school sports development present situation and difficulties, and puts forwardthe corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, so as to provide basis for theestablishment of primary school sports development plan policies and regulations forthe Shaoyang City Hall combination of urban and rural areas and the Department ofeducation, for the realization of the urban fringe of Shaoyang city school physical health,harmonious development of reference. In this paper, the urban fringe of Shaoyang cityprimary school sports as the research object, using literature research method,questionnaire survey method, combined with field on5primary school sports presentsituation and development of urban and rural areas of Shaoyang city and researchconducted a survey research method and mathematical statistics method etc.. The resultsare as follows:First, with the Department of primary school PE class arrangement chaos, notextbooks in serious condition, physical education teaching content of traditional singleShaoyang City, teachers enthusiasm is not high, student interest is not strong.Second, the urban fringe of Shaoyang city primary school "two exercises" to carryout the situation is not optimistic, not extracurricular sports activities; sports eventdevelopment less, small scale, single item; sports extracurricular training mainly incharge training primarily, the popularity rate is very low, can not meet the needs ofstudents to participate in physical exercise.Third, combined with the city of Shaoyang urban and rural primary school teachersexist structure is not rational, sex ratio imbalance, shortage phenomenon still exists, thesalary is generally low, training is not ideal, such as poor of their job satisfaction.Fourth, Shaoyang City, the combination of urban and rural primary school sportsfunds serious shortage, serious shortage of equipment and aging.Fifth, the urban fringe of Shaoyang city primary school leaders do not attachimportance to sports work, relatively lax management, teaching is not enoughsupervision, accounted for the phenomenon of serious.Sixth, the urban fringe of Shaoyang city primary school sports scientific researchwork has not started.Aiming at the existing problems and puts forward some suggestions: first, theimplementation of the reform of PE teaching work, unified scheduling mechanism, theintroduction and development of new curriculum project resources, enrich the teaching content, strengthen mutual learning between different schools; second, pay attention tocarry out various forms of extra-curricular sports activities, increase the size andfrequency of sports activities and extracurricular sports training; third, optimization ofPE teachers, improve the overall quality of teachers, reduce the gap between urban andsports teacher gap, fourth, to give play to the subjective initiative, mining localcharacteristics, sports equipment resources in active development and utilization of theschool itself and the surrounding; fifth, increase the sports work supervision efforts toestablish the system of education and training, to improve its important, understandingof sports discipline; finally, to improve the PE Teachers’ job evaluation methods, thesports ability of scientific research into the.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shaoyang city, urban and rural primary school, sports, presentsituation, Countermeasures
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