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A Translation Report On Women And Conflict In Afghanistan(Chapter1-3)

Posted on:2017-05-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M G L M M T Y M AFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis is a report of an English-Chinese translation practice on the article Women and Conflict in Afghanistan. The whole thesis consists of five parts. The first part gives a simple description of the translation task, which includes the introduction of the original text and significance of the translation item. It also analyzes the background information of the original. The second part includes the three steps of translation process specifically, pre-translating, mid-translating and post-translating process. The thesis elaborates them on these concrete processes: the preparation before translation, such asthe selection of the source text, parallel reading and preparation of the tools used during the translation process; the comprehension and expression of the source text written with specific steps; and proofreading and revision after the translation. The explanation of the translation theory and strategy applied by the translator is presented in the third part, and the key roles of Skopos theory and communicative translation strategy are stated in detail. Besides, in the light of the Skopos theory and communicative translation strategy, characteristics of the source text are analyzed. The fourth part is about the case analysis. The thesis enumerates some specific examples and analyses them at three different levels: at lexical level, syntactical level and textual level. By analyzing those typical cases, the author presented her translating thought and skills quite clearly. The fifth part describes the reflections of the author after the translation. It objectively analyzes the qualities a translator should possess, the importance of translation theories and skills, as well as the personal problems and shortcomings the author found in herself during translating. The author hopes that all those analyses may make contributions to the advancement of the translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Women and Conflict in Afghanistan, the Skopos theory, communicative translation strategy, case analysis
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