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A Study On Implementation Of The "Labor And Health System" In Chongqing Of The Seventeen Years Since The Founding Of PRC

Posted on:2017-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330503483801Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of the founding of New China, the CPC adhering to the requirements of "Chinese People’s Political Common Program”, on the one hand to restore and develop economy, on the other hand implement democratic reforms and social transformation step by step. With the commencement of social reforms, some of the ignorant and backward ideas and culture has been swept away, Marxist ideology doctrine gradually gained popularity. Sports system is an important part of the national political system, according to the " Chinese People’s Political Common Program " in the requirements for the development of people’s sports, the CPC transformed KMT’s old sports system, and gradually explore the establishment of compliance with the new China’s sports system. The Labor and Health System is proposed by the CPC in this context, the fourth middle school in Beijing first pilot " Labor and Health System " in 1951. China Sports Federation published " on 1952 sport for work program outline “calls for a gradual implementation of the " labor and ready to defend the motherland On June 20, 1952. After three years of research and study, drawing on experience of Soviet, China’s sports committee announced the " ready to work with the sports system Patriotic Provisional regulations "on May 4, 1954,.in February 1956 the former national Sports Commission announced a" labor Patriotic Sports system regulations and standards Amendment draft project ", adding" labor and health system "juvenile level, abolishing the preparatory stage. October 25, 1958, the State Council officially approved the release of the " sports system Patriotic labor regulations and project standards. " " Labor and Health System " is the first sports a new system of China, also is the basis of China’s sports system. CCP think this is a scientific and patriotic sports system. It can help CPC develop healthy, brave, sensitive labor and patriot to defend the China. According to the requirements of the Central Sports Commission, Chongqing launched a magnificent “Labor and Health System " system implementation work. With the "Labor and Health System" undertaking, improve the health of Chongqing general public, the collapse of the old Sports Thought of Kuomintang, cleanse the atmosphere of the whole society, social style look to improve the Chongqing people’s cohesion, making them more full of enthusiasm to go into production and construction, and on this basis, establish a good image of the Chinese Communist Party, and enhance the Chongqing people on the CCP’s political identity. But with the influence of leftist mistakes, "Labor and Health System" work in Chongqing were also required to come to a "Great Leap Forward", "Labor and Health System" work to a climax. Because the impact of three years of natural disasters, and worsening relations with the Soviet Union influence, "Labor and Health System" work is gradually disappearing. In 1964 the State Council officially abolished it, "Labor and Health System", Chongqing vigorous "Labor and Health System" work stops.This article on the logical structure consists of an introduction, body composition. The introduction discusses the cause and significance of the topic, and research status of this thesis were consolidated and review, while identifying research ideas and research methods, and related concepts are defined.Part I: a difficult start: Chongqing "labor health system" proposed. This chapter provides an overview of the implementation of the early founding of Chongqing "labor Health System" in the background, describing the beginning of the founding of Chongqing "labor health system," the pilot measures and pilot process problems. Problems found in experimental work to the next, "Labor and Health System" provides further promote lessons.Part II: The steady advance: Chongqing implementation of the "Labor and Health System" in depth. This chapter first discusses the Chongqing-depth implementation of the "Labor Health System" initiative, the implementation of response measures and the difficulties that arise from the relevant departments, and a whole summed up in Chongqing, "Labor and Health System" in-depth process of implementation has made a series reward.Part III: prosperity in Crisis: Chongqing implementation of the "Labor and Health System" climax. The first part of this chapter analyzes the historical background of building socialism, Chongqing people urgently want faster and better development of production, to determine the cause of sport to a "Great Leap Forward." The second section summarizes the full implementation of "Labor and Health System" initiative in Chongqing, vigorously implement the "Labor and Health System" juvenile level, the establishment of a wide range of sports associations, decentralized "labor health system" power of approval, and meticulous "Labor and Health System" organization.Part IV: Transplantation and mortality: the implementation of the Labor and Health System Historical Review in Chongqing. This chapter carding overall with "Lao Wei system" The implementation of the work history of Chongqing, summed up the results in Chongqing, "Labor and Health System" implemented in the acquired analyzed repeal "labor Health System" reasons, and on this basis, summed up the lessons learned to provide reference and enlightenment for the smooth development of the new era of sports.
Keywords/Search Tags:Seventeen Years, Chongqing, "Labor and Health System", Research and Practice
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