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A Research On Foreign Students’ Acquisition Of The "Kan" Parenthesis

Posted on:2017-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330485464172Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Parenthesis is a very common language phenomenon in Modern Chinese, it makes sentences more perfect, and it can enhance communicate views.And it is also a big difficulty for foreign students to study Chinese. "Kan" parenthesis is one of the most-used subclasses of parenthesis, foreign students always make mistakes in the respect. Therefore, this paper tries to research "Kan" parenthesis comprehensively, in order to provide reference for the future teaching.In this paper, the research of "Kan" parenthesis mainly divided into the following several parts:The first and second chapter is the introduction and research summary. This two chapters point out research purpose and meaning, and comb the related research of the Modern Chinese parenthesis and "Kan" parenthesis.The third chapter is a survey on foreign students’ acquisition of "Kan" parenthesis. On the basis of investigating and analyzing the linguistic date of HSK dynamic composition corpus and oral corpus of Anhui University, this chapter summarizes the usage of "Kan" parenthesis on the different stages, different positions, different types. This paper finds that "Kan" parenthesis has a sequence on foreign students’acquisition, intermediate and advanced students is obviously better than primary students in the field of acquisition. The highest usage rates of "Kan" parenthesis is the sentence-initial parenthesis and subjective parenthesis, the highest accuracy of "Kan" parenthesis is interactive subjectivity parenthesis. In view of the higher bias, this section analyzes errors from leakage, abuse and fault aspects.The fourth chapter in the form of questionnaire survey, mainly investigates the conditions on foreign students’ acquisition of the "Kan" parenthesis at different stages in Anhui University. Questionnaire consists of three parts, respectively investigates students’ basic situation and usage and the actual application. The results show that "Kan" parenthesis do exist stage characteristics in language acquisition,the orde is:我看>你看>看起来>依我看、你看你>你看看、看来>眼看着>总的来看、由此可见、从……看>照这样看、看你说的、依我之见,the prominent difficulty is emotional expression of parenthesis,such as“看你说的”、“你看你”、“看你”, and format fixed parenthesis,such as“由此可见”、“照这样看”、“依我之见”.The fifth chapter investigates teaching situation and puts forward teaching suggestion. Through analyses the syllabus and books, we find that "Kan" parenthesis in syllabus and books is not comprehensive, clearly, fixed, there are a series of problem. From the point of teaching material layout, some take the form of grammar interpretation, some appear in express way, some take the form of parenthesis, it hasn’t a unified layout;From the point of explanation and practice in the textbooks, "Kan" parenthesis is not very clearly in detail; From the point of teaching stage, "Kan" parenthesis are mostly appeared in textbooks of elementary and intermediate stage, is not conducive to review and consolidate the parenthesis. On the above investigation, this paper from the syllabus, teaching material and class these three aspects put forward the corresponding suggestions. All kinds of insert need to clear the importance of parenthesis, unify name, classificate explanation; Textbook writing need to pay attention to selection and layout of parenthesis; Classroom teaching need to pay attention to teaching context in stages.The sixth chapter summarizes the full text, and points out insufficient.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Kan" parenthesis, the study of the acquisition, suggestion for teaching
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