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Research Of Second Language Acquisition About Chinese Parenthesis

Posted on:2013-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2235330371999421Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As we know, parenthesis is very important language phenomenon. It can help people understand these sentences, and it can also enhance the words’expression effect. And it is a difficult point for foreign students to manage. Therefore, I think we should not neglect the study of parenthesis in teaching Chinese as a second language. Unfortunately, the study at home is relatively weaker, the studies have not rarely involved in parenthesis as a second language.On the basis of previous studies made by scholars, the author of this paper aims at doing the dynamic investigation of intermediary language acquisition on the parenthesis and analyses the parentheses’characteristic of learners, and we are going to research bias to find the line effective teaching methods to help second Language learners’Acquisition of Chinese.In this paper, the first part at the base of the achievement of synthetically people and older generation scholars, we defined the parenthesis approximately. We definite modern Chinese parenthesis as a peculiar pragmatic component, it is independent in a sentence. And then compared it with onomatopes, interjections, added language, outer predicate, the modifiers of the whole sentence in order to find them similarity and distinction place between them, what makes the definition of parenthesis more accurate. For many years, there are many standards in classifying the parenthesis, for example, the function, semantics. On the basis of the parenthesis’s style, we divided it into three parts, the individual words, the phrases and sentence parenthesis. We found that individual words and sentence are not rich, phrases parentheses is richer. Then according to the pragmatic, we found two types of parenthesis, the recessive and the marked. Last, parenthesis in the sentence is comparatively nimble, it can appear in three locations:the head, the middle, the end.By investigate "HSK dynamic composition corpus" and oral corpus of Anhui University students, we analyse the acquisition of parenthesis. The best acquisition of parenthesis is subject-predicate structure groups“我觉得”, the recessive“我以为” “坦白地说”and the head. We made the qualitative of beginner, intermediate in two stages and determined the acquisition order of the parenthesis. On the basis of the parenthesis’s style, with the first acquisition, followed by ubject-predicate structure groups, in addition, infrequently-used groups, prepositions structure groups and dongbin structure. According to the pragmatic, the first acquisition is the recessive, the next is the marked.At the last, this article also states that the proper teaching methods accord to the characteristics of the acquisition, the types of errors and the reasons. Foreign language teaching syllabus and materials should be given more attention about the Chinese parenthesis; we apply for more basic knowledge of the Chinese parenthesis during advanced stage; we apply for the parenthesis accord to different stages; in the teaching process, we should set up the contact between the parenthesis and the context; pay attention the differentiates between the similar forms and the similar usage.
Keywords/Search Tags:parenthesis, the characteristic of acquisition, error analysis
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