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A Translation Report On Translation/history/culture(excerpts)

Posted on:2016-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J TaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330479488979Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation material, Translation/History/Culture, is a source book edited by a famous Belgium translation theorist Andre Lefevere, who is a leader in translation research. This book systematically introduces many important thoughts in translation study from 106.B.C to 1931. What makes this book unique is that it explores translation rules and principles from the perspective of culture. My translation task, Chapter 8“Longer Statements” of 12,718 words, which introduces the thoughts of five famous translation theorists as well as their translation principles, mainly deals with the translation techniques, usually in the form of lists of rules.This translation report, at lexical and syntactic levels, conducts a comparatively detailed summary of some difficulties in the process of translation and translation techniques. In view of these problems, I give a consideration and analysis from the perspective of translation theories such as Dynamic Equivalence, Translation Shift,Skopos Theory, etc. The main body of this report is made up of four parts. The first part is task description that includes introduction of the book, the editor and an analysis of the source text. The second part is process description which consists of preparations before translation, process of translating and quality control. The third part is a case analysis,which includes types of problems I encountered in translation practice and my theoretic thoughts. The last part is a summary of the difficulties and inspirations from the translation practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation/History/Culture, translation practice, translation theory
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