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A Translation Report On Recreation,Event And Tourism Business (Chapter Three)

Posted on:2016-03-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2295330461995918Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This report is based on the translation of the third chapter’ Business Concept:the Products and Services’from the book Recreation, Event and Tourism Business written by Robert E. Pfister, a professor in the department of recreation and tourism management at Vancouver Island University in Canada. This book relates to business success in the commercial recreation, event and tourism sector, one of the fastest-growing segments in the recreation industry. Chapter Three, approximately 10,000 words, is selected as the source text. Under the guidance of Skopos theory, the translation report aims to give a description of the translation project and apply such translation methods as the Change of the Voices, Conversion, Division, and Alternating method, etc. to achieve the purpose of translating the text.This report mainly falls into four chapters. The first chapter briefs the translation project, including the background, objectives, research status and significance of translating the project. Chapter two presents the process of translation, three parts included. The first is preparation before translation, the second is quality control of the target text, and the last is difficulties in translation. Chapter three, as the soul of the report, is to exemplify the combination of translation theory and practice with the five translation methods in use. Then make a summary according to the translation. The final chapter summarizes the experience gained from translation and points out the issues to be resolved.Literature research and case analysis are chosen as the research methods of the report. The author has come to know travel business and Robert E. Pfister as well as his works mentioned in the source text via surfing the Internet and reading books in the library. Meanwhile, the author has found her translation ability improved and her knowledge of translation theory and methods enriched after translation. Yet the author has realized how arduous a task it is to translate and her language competence of both Chinese and English still needs enhancing.
Keywords/Search Tags:tourism, Skopos theory, translation methods
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