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A Report On The E-C Translation Of New Writing From Ireland,2013

Posted on:2016-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The status of Irish literature in the world literature is self-evident and increasing scholars are engaging themselves in specialized studies of it. The national agency "Irish Literature Exchange" was set up to promote Irish literature abroad. This translation practice is right based on its new release New Writing from Ireland,2013. This thesis emphasizes the translation strategies and methods of the material based on the informative text theory of Peter Newmark in the wake of preliminary analysis of the features and functions, and ends with gains and deficiency in the practice. This paper concludes that the purpose and function of the text guide or even decide the choice of translation strategies; sufficient pre-translation work is of great practical significance for translation practice; literal translation, free translation or a combination should be taken in translating the titles, embodying both the literal and implicit meaning; as for the translation of the introduction of the authors, which is relatively objective and information-function oriented, readers should be taken as the center factor and the authenticity and readability of the content is demanded; when translating the introduction of the work, the writer specifically analyzed some difficulties based on the differences of Chinese readers in language and culture and mental habits according to different genres. The E-C translation of this booklet will play a role in the promotion of Ireland literature in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Writing from Ireland, 2013, purpose, function, E-C translation
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