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A Study On Pyongyang Dialect From The Perspective Of Linguistic

Posted on:2016-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330470960455Subject:Asian and African Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the previous studies, this paper will study the pyongyang language with the perspective of linguistics. At present, because of the separation, there’s no big progress in studying pyongyang language, and some of the literature also does not have sufficient investigation and system research. So, based on the theory of reference, with scholars from pyongyang as the research object, through questionnaire survey, to understand the pyongyang dialect phonology, words, grammar characteristics of the dialect.first:on phonologyBy the investigation, there are 19 consonants,9 monophthong factors,2 semivowel factors /j/ and /w/, and by two semivowel factors in synthetic compound vowels, there are 6/j/,5/w/, the total of 11 in this area.In the Consonant system,/(?)/is alveolar rather than the non hard palate./(?)/ of the non hard palate is one of the obvious features of the dialects in the region.Behind the bilabial and hard palate,/(?)/ is changed to the /(?)/. Compared with the upper double vowels of the j, upper double vowel can combination more flexible with the kinds of consnonants. However, next to the double vowel of the j does not exist in the region, central dialect to double vowel /(?)/ pronounciation in the region as/-/or/|/.There is a long sound phenomenon in this area, but it can not be formed its differentiation. Although the speakers are aware of the long and short sound, but it hasn’t obviously differences in real terms.When the stems double terminal is "(?)", central dialect will omit C1, but the region will omit C2. To stem the double terminal form of nouns and utterances when combined will omit the C2. Although central dialect omit the "(?)" of the "(?)", but the region only omit the ’(?)’ of the ’(?)’.Second:on grammarIt does not exist the diphthongs of the’-I’in this area, therefore the preposition of the ’(?)’ presences in the form of ’(?)’ is used more frequently than ’(?)’, it is used mainly in spoken language. And the compare preposition ’(?)’ are used in the same generations.Long negative form is used more frequently than short negative form in this area.Hard palata; ’(?)’ turns to be the non palate of alveolar ’(?)’,this phenomenon often exists in the long negative form.Third:on wordsThere are many special words in this area,suchh as:’(?)’ and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pyongyang dialect, phonology, grammar, vocabulary
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