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An Interpreting Report Of “Love In The Remote Mountains” Of Change

Posted on:2016-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
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With the accelerating pace of globalization, cross-culture communication is increasingly significant. As one of the important ways to understand the culture of a foreign country, documentary interpretation receives more and more attention from interpretation circles. In recent years, more documentaries have emerged as one of the important varieties of Chinese culture. This report is an interpreting practice based on the immediate interpreting of “Love in the Remote Mountains” of the documentary “Change”.This interpreting practice used the TV program named “Change” produced by Hunan TV Station. This practice is aimed at improving interpreting skills with the purpose of pragmatism.This report consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. Its main contents are as follows:The first part is the introduction. This part mainly includes the background information of this interpreting project, the relevant interpreting theories, process of this interpreting practice and goals and significance of writing this report.The second part is the main body, which is made up of four chapters:Chapter One mainly describes the interpreting task. In this chapter, it first presents the reasons of selecting “Change” as the material of the practice, then it makes a thorough analysis of interpreting target.Chapter Two mainly discusses the interpretation process. Firstly, it introduces the formal preparation phase before interpreting from three aspects: language strategy and equipment. Secondly, by analyzing interpreting cases, the author points out the strategies used in the process. Thirdly, it discusses the quality control followed by the author in the interpreting process.Chapter Three mainly shows post-interpretation analysis. The author studies the features of documentary subtitle first. Then, the author points out the typical problems found in the practice and gives corresponding improving strategies in the end.Chapter Four lists the unsolved problems in the process of interpreting. At the same time, it also discusses the enlightenment received in the interpreting activities and expectations to further interpreting study.The last part is the conclusion. This part makes a summary of the whole report and evaluates this practice from different perspectives. It is suggested that interpreters should make full preparation before the interpreting task and gradually develop their own interpreting system.
Keywords/Search Tags:interpreting practice, case, interpretation strategy, documentary
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