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A Report On The Interpretation Of World War I Centenary

Posted on:2016-07-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S YuFull Text:PDF
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This is a paper based on topic of World War I Centenary. It seems like that World War I is too far away from us for happening in summer a century ago. But it did change the global situation with numerous influences. And more and more new generations should know what kind of war that our compatriots attended. The reason why the interpreter interprets this is that the interpreter hopes people with different nationalities can always keep dangers of global war in mind, especially now people are in a turbulent international situation with many existing and newly generated terrorisms causing troubles. So under such circumstances, peace stays the eternal theme to the whole world.This interpretation report is divided into six parts:In introduction, the interpreter lists goals of interpreting and the arrangement which is made to carry out this interpretation task.Chapter One is description of task. In this part, the interpreter introduces and describes the general information of topic as well as the significance of interpreting this theme. Readers can get a basis understanding from this section.Chapter Two is task process consisting two parts. This chapter describes the interpreter’s interpreting process, which is divided into two phases: preparation and interpreting in process. For preparation phase, it is made up of three stages, which are early preparation, midterm and last preparation, and interim preparation. The interpreter lists the focus of each phase and illustrates the result of each stage.Chapter Three is case analyses of interpretation. To demonstrate the self-examination of the interpreter, in this section, five types of interpreting issues are analyzed: the interpretation of long English sentences, the Chinese interpretation of English passive sentences, case analyses of hesitation, correction and misinterpretation.Chapter Four is practice conclusion. The interpreter concludes two aspects- importance of preparation and difficulties in E-C consecutive interpretation with drafts.In conclusion, the final part of this report, the interpreter reflects on the whole interpreting project and summarizes the lessons learned through this process.
Keywords/Search Tags:interpreting, news, World War I Centenary, preparation, analyses
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