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The Research On Gujinzi Of Duanzhu

Posted on:2016-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330464451145Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gujinzi is the important character of philology.And Duanyucai’s "Shuowenjiezizhu" is more important on Qianjia period,its Gujinzi theoretical research is value. But the essence of the Gujinzi of the current academic is still blurred.There are large differences in the division of Gujinzi and Tongjiazi.This article exhaustive investigate Gujinzi of Duanzhu.Through detailed analysis of the meaning and structure of each group of character example,summarize distinguishing feature of each type of Gujinzi And then make a division among Gujinzi,Tongjiazi andYitiziFull text includes introduction, three body chapters, conclusion, a total of five parts.Introduction mainly describe overview of Gujinzi,different views about Gujinzi,and research methods,significance,innovation,inadequate.Chapter one first summarize Duanyucai’s Gujinzi theory.Then classify 323 group Gujinzi on the basis of Ziyong property.First class is that ancient character is the Benzi of the word and modern character is the Houqibenzi,in total of 116 group.The second class is that ancient character is the Benzi of the word and modern character is Jiezi,in total of 116 group.The third class is ancient character is Jiezi of the word and then create Houqibenzi for it,in total of 66 group.The fourth class is first borrow A character to record the word then borrow B character,in total of 13 group.The fifth class is A character is the Benzi of the word,B character is Tongjiazi.The sixth class Gujinzi is only exist font distinctive,in total of 7 group.Then specific analysis meaning range and structure feature of each small categories.The first class (except Yitizi)and the third class have two feature:first,ancient character record more words,modern character less,it only sharing some duty of ancient character. Second,ancient character and modern character have similar structure,and the latter usual add Xingpang or Shengpang on the basis of ancient character.The four front class is Yongzigujinzi.The second main class and the fourth main class have related meaning but their structure is irrelevant.The two minor class of the second mam class Gujinzi nave the feature that ancient character and modern character have different meaning,and structure,they only have common on the shift meaning.The third minor class of the second main class Gujinzi have the feature that modern character have wide meaning,and replace ancient character all duty.Ancient character was abandoned.They have uncertain contact.The fourth class Gujinzi have the feature that ancient character and modern character have their each duty of record word,then the former shift some duty for the latter.They have uncertain structure contact.Finally evaluate achievement and inadequate of Duanyucai’s Gujinzi theory.Chapter two first clarify essence of Tongjiazi through explain relationship between Jiajie and Tongjia.Tongjia is refer to temporary Jiajie.Temporary Jiajie is so-called Tongjia.It doesn’t has qualifications for the word.Then analysis differences and relations of Gujinzi and Tongjizi.Chapter three first defined Yitizi. Several characters are Yitizi if they have absolutely same meaning and could be replace in any case.Their different reflect in record effect,meaning range and structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Duanzhu, Gujinzi, Tongjiazi, Yitizi
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