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Wu Jiansi’s Study On Du Fu’s Poems

Posted on:2016-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330461968781Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In early Qing dynasty, the second peak in the history of study on Du Fu’s poems, there are many distinctive achievements. Wu Jiansi is a famous expert then, who wrote three books:Du shi Lun Wen, Du Shi Lun Shi and Shi Ji Lun Wen. His unique methods of textual researching and commenting have great profound effects on later generations. Taking Du Shi Lun Wen as the center, Wu Jiansi’s poetic research on Du Fu’s poems are comprehensively studied in this paper.Section one has studied the effects of the social and cultural background in the early Qing Dynasty on the academia. In early Qing Dynasty, dynasty replacement and pragmatism make people move their eyes on Du Fu’s poems to find spiritual power. In addition, the achievements and their characters are discussed in this chapter.The second chapter is about the background of Wu Jiansi’s studies, including the textual research on his lifetime, family, friendship and works.The third and fourth chapter mainly discusse the style and content features, thought and methodology.Chapter five compares Du Shi Lun Wen with other related achievements. The last chapter summarizes the value and deficiencies of his studies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Jiansi, study on Du Fu’s Poems, Du Shi Lun Wen
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