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A Translation Project Report Of The Hard Thing About Hard Things (Chapter 5) By Ben Horowitz

Posted on:2016-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation project report on The Hard Thing about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz. As a CEO, he illustrates the possible plights and proper measures in start-ups, and talks about management in their operation. The source text of this report is excerpted from Chapter 5 “Take Care of The People, The Products and The Profits- in That Order”, which dwells on the key points to which the enterprise should pay attention in order, and the possible issues with the corresponding solutions. According to text typology, the book selected belongs to informative text which should take communicative translation as its translation method, so that the target readers may receive the same effect as the original ones. The main contents of this report are divided into four parts: Part One is the translation project description, including project brief, objectives and significance. Part Two is the background of the source text, including introduction to the author, analysis of the source text, and a brief summary of its features. Part Three is about translation difficulties and methods. The difficulties mainly lie in the translation of small words, polysemy and metaphor. The methods employed in this report involve omission, conversion and collocation. Since the informative text aims to show readers some business management experience, the context is of great importance to do the translation work well. Part Four concludes with the lessons gained and problems to be solved in the translation project. The complementary relation between translation theory and practice are fully applied.
Keywords/Search Tags:communicative translation, informative text, omission, conversion, context
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