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Comparative Study To The Electorals Of Ming Shu And Ming Shi

Posted on:2015-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431986022Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Ming Shu" and" Ming shi" are two general history books, recording the historicevents happened in Ming Dynasty. The contents of Electorals in these2books aregenerally identical, along with a closer compilation time, which provide a good conditionfor studying comparatively the Electorals of these2books to investigate the similaritiesand differences between them, deepening the research field of them.Firstly, the thesis produces the compilation process of Ming Shu and Ming Shi, then,compares the Electorials of these2books from the perspective of stylistic content,writing features, view of history, value of historic materials and their shortcomings,which would not only facilitate us to comprehend in depth the advantages anddisadvantages of the2books’ Eclectorals, clarify the evolution process of the Electoralsin the areas of stylistic structure, writing characteristics and historiography during the endof Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, but also outline the basic context ofhistory development at that time by citing individual events. The thesis is divided into6parts:The first part, the compilation process of these2books’ Electorals. This chapterexamines briefly the compilation background and compilation process of Ming Shu andMing Shi, shows the compilation process of their Electorials in detail.The second part, a comparative study to the style and content of these2Electorals.By a comparative study, this chapter introduces the differences of the stylistic structureand content of the2Electorials. In terms of content, they can be a complementary to eachother.The third part, a comparative study to the writing features of these2Electorials. Byciting specific historic events, this chapter demonstrates in detail that Ming Shi is morebrief in content than Ming Shu, while Ming Shu is more lively in narration than Ming Shi.The forth part, a comparative study to historiographies of these2Electorials. Thischapter, by citing specific historic events, discusses the similarities and differences oftheir historiographies. The reason why there are similarities and differences lies in theinherent distinct of officially compiled history books and non-officially ompiled history books,The fifth part, by a comparative study to these2Electorials, the thesis analyses theirvalue of historic materials respectively, and discusses the disadvantages of historicmaterials in the2books’ Electorials.In the conclusion part, the thesis summarizes the purpose of the writing, namely, tosum up the features of these2Electorials form different perspectives, thus to discard thedross and select the essential parts and deepen the2books’ research field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming Shi, Ming Shu, Electoral
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