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Research On "Yi Shi"

Posted on:2015-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431978452Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Yi Shi" of Ma Su which was born in the early Qing Dynasty, is an earlier and moretypical history book in Qing Dynasty historical works. In the end of Ming Dynasty and startof Qing Dynasty, no matter science or history, they are beginning to change the academicculture, and scholar do scholarship meticulously. In the process of transformation, like otherthinkers, historians, Ma Su made many contributions to the change of this culture.Born in a small landlord family, and influenced by the feudal morality deeply, Ma Suwas interested in reading from childhood, especially fond of ancient books. Ma Su didn’t havean illustrious political career in his life. Based on academic pursuit, he put a lot of time for thestudy of classics. Aptitude compilation of more than ten years of " Yi Shi ", which becamefamous early Qing history." Yi Shi " is a comprehensive history that is from time immemorialand next to the end of the Qin Dynasty, and include the political system, military strategy, therise and fall,philosophers doctrine, Takahiro Centrepoint, imperial biographies, laws andinstitutions, literature and medicine, astronomy and geography, name objects of food andother goods. The style "Yi Shi" used was first created by Ma Su, and it was a synthesis ofhistorical that synthesise biographical, chronological, chronicle ins and outs, the case study,research, History and Theory, a comprehensive historical chart."Yi Shi" is a pioneer in thehistory books and Qing Dynasty textual research history."Yi Shi" contains a lot of uniqueideas. Ma Su arranged historical theory in "Yi Shi", which is useful for historical eventsummary or feelings expression after historical facts."Yi Shi" is rich in ideas, so it will bedivided into three parts by us, including political ideology, philosophy and historiographythought. In political ideology, Ma Su has era limitations in feudal traditional Zunjun thoughts,but he does not blindly obey monarch blindly; Unlike other scholars, he does not advocatesuppressing overlord in the Spring and Autumn Period, but think overload that can play goodregulating effect, such as the maintenance of the royal family, the balance of power, to keep asmall country. etc; Ma Su has thoughts of valuing Central Plains and suppressing barbarians;Ma Su has a dialectic attitude towards war. In the war era, he did not blindly oppose war, butsupport a just war and oppose an unjust war. Ma Su attaches great importance to the parts thattalents played in the national prosperity or weakness specially. In philosophical ideology, MaSu identifies with " telepathy ", but also holds atheism thoughts; Ma Su has the perspective of historical development and simple dialectic thoughts. In historical thoughts, Ma Su holds thethoughts of " All the Six Classics are Historical"," not the letter book" of historicalskepticism and " see sheng and bad".
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yi Shi", Ma Su, Historical Style, Historical Thought
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