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A Study On Teaching English For Mongolian-speaking Undergraduates

Posted on:2015-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D R G BaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431974381Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
English is an important course of high education in China. Thereforemany scholars and teachers have been studied how to improve the resultof teaching English effectively for several decades from the beginning,and they made some successful achievement. On the contrast, we can notonly know teaching English for Mongolian students in Inner Mongoliaautonomous region has fell behind in many aspects, but also can see thestudy difference between Mongolian and Han students obviously.Teaching English for Mongolian students has become an essential part ofhigh education in universities in Inner Mongolia. So how to improve thequality of teaching English for Mongolian students will make a veryimportant significance and affect to the whole development of educationin Inner Mongolia.This paper includes introduction, the first chapter, the second chapter,the third chapter and the conclusion.The introduction part explains the research background, the reasonsof selecting topic, the past researches, research method, the key point anddifficulty of the research.The first chapter describes the general situation of national educationof English and teaching English for Mongolian students in InnerMongolia region.The second chapter analyses the past and present study differentbetween Mongolian and Han students with the contrast data, finds out theproblems in teaching English for Mongolian students.The third chapter offers some implications for both teaching andlearning for Mongolian students.The conclusion gives a brief summary to findings of the research.
Keywords/Search Tags:teaching English, teaching English for Mongolianstudents, Mongolian undergraduates, contrastive analysis
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