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Preface And Postscript Of Yuan Dynasty Painting Art Research

Posted on:2015-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2285330431479341Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Legend as a unique form of artistic expression of Chinese painting, is gradually becoming a mature artistic language, become an integral part of traditional Chinese painting, introduces a higher level of the development of Chinese painting research.Legend not only to its unique of art charm rich with picture performance form, and to its superb of literature connotation hosted with painter of spirit hopes, can said legend to understanding a era of literature art development condition has important role, also for from another side understanding painter at of aesthetic activities provides has a new of perspective, given legend has this important role, had to its rise reason, and stage development profile and aesthetic implication for in-depth research.Through information gathering and self-understanding set out to comb the definition of legend, clear stage evolution hair legend.Its development from Tang previously hosted a political education function of legend to "Word engraved on Bell rock crevices" legend until the Song dynasty "was rife, with Li as the attack concept of legend of the Yuan dynasty, Yuan dynasty legend not only in composition enriched in form, but also profound changes in the expression.Causing mutant legend thriving due mainly to foreign rule of the Yuan dynasty, the changing socio-political ideology and cultural policies of external feeds, literary and artistic formation, strongly supported by the literati. Yuan generation legend expression content of features is in mood pursuit Shang gradually evolution into seclusion life of yearning, in theme select Shang gradually evolution into hermit wall of expression, in thought feelings Shang gradually evolution into self emotional of catharsis, this and on Yuan generation legend of aesthetic implication on from narration that select and constitute forms aspects for has integrated of exploration analysis, illustrates has legend on painting of aesthetic added.During the Yuan dynasty under great influence of the legend, legend of Ming and Qing dynasty until modern times painting is subject to the subtle influence, gradually starting to bring out the artistic effect.Innovation of this paper is that the Yuan dynasty legend development conducted the comprehensive consolidation of carding and analysis, classified the content of expression of legend in the Yuan dynasty, and briefly elaborated on the aesthetic implication of the legend.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yuan dynasty legend, creative objective, aesthetic connotation
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