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A Study On The Inheritance Of The Drama In Yuan Dynasty

Posted on:2016-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330479491619Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Between the different forms of Chinese classical opera, they are showing a turn of prosperity, which is not a simple inheritance in the ups and downs of development. It refers to a phenomenon of opera transition between one form of opera which is in the bud growth period and the other which is in the recession. When they show together in the development of alternating period, the former replaces the mainstream of the latter from the text creation to the stage performance, based on sublated inherting. The opera transition between Legend and Zaju is connected with the social police turn of Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty, which is almost but not completely synchronous. This is related to the Han nationality to regain control regime which was controlled by minority nationality. The opera transition between Legend and Zaju which appears in the dynasties period between Yuan Dynasty and Ming Dynasty has its particularity, at the same time it is also in line with the general rules of opera development. Through the study of the opera transition phenomenon, we can find the relationship between the development of Chinese opera and the social, political culture. This is propitious to understand the development path of Chinese opera history and the reasons.From this point of view, this dissertation focuses on three opera phenomenon which are connected with the opera transition between Legend and Zaju: the resuscitation of the Nanxi Opera challenge to the traditional status of Zaju in the period between late Yuan and early Ming Dynasty, the parallel development between royal courting Zaju and legendary Nanxi Opera in the early Ming Dynasty, the completely opera transition from Zaju to Legend in the mid-Ming Dynasty. As the predecessor of Legend, Nanxi Opera had shaken the mainstream of Zaju in the process of south-north opera mixing before Legend has been formed completely. This leads to the decline of Zaju without falling. After the Ming Dynasty Zaju is toward to the courting road under the influence of the special opera policy. However, Nanxi Opera has truly transformed into Legend after the “Northern Song” and “literati” stage. The evolution of “four tunes” makes Legend into the flourishing period. Both the text creation and the stage performance, the development of Legend has full beyond Zaju.
Keywords/Search Tags:the turn of Yuan and Ming Dynasty, the opera transition, Nanxi Opera, Zaju, Legend
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