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Study On Causation And Diagnosis Of Skin Pruritus Disease In Tibetan Medicine

Posted on:2017-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J RuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330503961234Subject:National medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Statement of the problem: First of all pruritus is a usual disease or s ymptom, if the situation got worse, it will affect daily life as can not sleep well entire night, skin damage of scratching, peeling, and sclerosis which bring sufferings both biologically and mentally. Consequently, there are n o related researches and papers done on this study according to cure prurit us’ pathomechanism and clinical medication. Moreover, the records in an cient books about this disease and symptom as a background and combini ng Tibetan medicine and modern medicine, research pruritus’ pathomecha nism as a core aim, better to excavate the prescription for the disease(“M u zi dgu ba”) and judging(“Mu zi dgu ba”) curative effect of pruritus.Research Methodology: Literary Review: 1. Tibetan medicine book <<Th e Four Medical Tantras>>, arrange and induce similar terminologies such as “gyun” “ya”2.Checking Tibetan medical clinic from 8th century’s << S man dpyad zla pavi rgyal bo>> until 21st’s<<Xhing bzavi nad thog >>, c ollect the cause of disease, type, position of cause of disease, medicine of cure. Clinical research: 1. In 60 Chinese Tibetan medical classics, the cur e pruritus high using rate prescripts waiting clinical curative effect researc h. 2. Combing literature and clinical formulating pruritus’ diagnostic crite ria and effective scale. 3. Dermatological Department Tibetan Medicine o f Qinghai Province selected 30 patients as a sample for cure and effective judgment.The result of Research: Literature Review: 1. Are there any related termin ologies and vocabulary in << The Four Medical Tantras>>? Category. 2. There are 60 books recorded pruritus, among them 33 books stated the pr uritus which occurred 263 times, in other 27 books, there are scenarios m ade for prescription of the disease and symptom. About aspect on cause of disease: “yellow water” as 21 species, “Chiba” divided into 13 kinds. “Pad gun” categorized to 11, “srin” divided to 5, “blood” as 2 kinds, “rlun g” categorized into 3, totally 55 kinds, and there is a similarity of this dise ase to <<The Four Medical Tantras>>. Regarding to types and cause of th e disease: through readings and questionnaire, we can see that pruritus is only occurred on skin but not on organs, especially the pruritus created by “srin” can be divided to 5, usually it appear on eyes, intestines, pelvic c avity and breasts. Relating to the “blood” it usually on occurred near the eyes and ears, no discovery from other parts of the body. “Yellow water” appears on the soles, palm and organs of generation. “rlung” on eyes pos ition, “pad gun” on eyes side and intestines. “Chiba” pruritus happen to e yes and other positions and it occurred itchiness. Along on the basis of t he cause of disease, the pruritus of “chiba”and “yellow water” is serious t han “srin”. But “rlung” is weaker. The sickness of pruritus “blood’’ and “pad gun” is slight and don’t need much more cureness. Among these six t ypes cause to this disease, “blood” and “chiba” consider fire and febricity. “rlung’’ and “pad gun” consider as water or cool. “srin’’ and “yellow wa ter’’ consider as common. Pruritus belongs to 15 kinds of febricity and 14 of cool, in total 26. 3. Checking and study the literature about it, there a re 115 kinds of prescription which can represent by a medicine called “M u zi dgu ba” and there are certain records for the effectiveness of that in m any readings.Clinical research: 1. Preliminary materials: the task of study is to focus on effectiveness of “Mu zi dgu ba” to pruritus. The respondents are the 30 patients of Dermatological Department, Provincial Tibetan Hospital. Research time is December of 2015 to March of 2016. 2. Two cured patients, occupied 6.67%: apparently effective-patients are 20, occupied 66.7%: slightly effective-patients are 6, occupied 20%: Non effectivepatients are 2, it is 6.67%. According to the data, more than half can see the effectiveness of the medicine, which mean that this disease can be cured completely or positively.Conclusion: According to read the books and related literature to analyze pruritus’ symptom and cause, the area of occurring the pruritus, excavate the better prescription, it can be sure that there are so many benefits and positive things of the medicine named “mu zi dgu ba”. To solve the usual and serious disease of daily life, it is very important to analyze cause of the disease, predisposition, position in order to excavate the most effective and efficient medicine or prescription to solve the problem and suffering of people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pruritus, cause of the disease, types, cure, and att
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