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Residents’ Travel Behavior Mining And Spread Of Infectious Diseases Simulation

Posted on:2017-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330485992517Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of computer technology, the concept of big data is more and more hot, and more and more research topics began to do some simulation with the aid of computer. This paper is mainly based on the geography information data of residents in Blacksburg which is a small town in the United States. Using Google maps, and some local transportation information data of the town, we build a local residents behavior simulation simulator.At present, quite a number of fields began to urgently use behavior data as a basis for analysis and research, such as the spread of infectious diseases, DTN(delay network routing) protocol, individual emotional communication, urban traffic planning and so on. These fields often need some real specific data to verify the theoretical model of simulation put forward by researchers, however these real data are often difficult to obtain, or the data is incomplete, and the scene is difficult to build. Therefore, it is very lucky to obtain Blacksburg geography information data, and thanks to the Google maps for providing some handy features, making the data good to mine and it is convenient to build more scenarios and models.In this paper, in the process of building the simulator, the main target is used to study the spread of infectious diseases, and mainly according to the theory of public transport buses to study the effect on the spread of infectious diseases. Therefore, in the process of the design of the simulator, we will do some targeted mining about the data to meet the need of research. In the process of research, we mainly find some infectious diseases with obvious propagation characteristic to simulate.In this paper, the processing of Blacksburg residents geolocation data is mainly using Google map to provide some API. The residents information data Blacksburg given is mainly the latitude and longitude coordinates of the locations residents have been to in a day, and the arrival time and standing time(covered in detail later).However, we need to study the influence of the bus to infectious diseases, so we need to dig out the information residents travel by bus and the residents encounter information on a bus. For the information residents travel by bus we mainly use Google map to provide the corresponding API to dig out the residents, if residents take bus, which trip bus he will take. And refer to the residents encounter information on a bus, we go to the corresponding official website for all the buses information data of Blacksburg, and their departure information data. Then compare and sort out a certain time, if a resident take some trip bus, whom he will meet with, and how long they will contact with each other. The information will be the important data we need to simulate the spread of infectious diseases, and the whole simulation process will be based on this analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Simulation, Google maps, infectious diseases, bus, residents behavior
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