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The Study Of Social Support On Rural Mental Patients

Posted on:2017-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330485967412Subject:Sociology Sociology of Sociology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to World Health Report of 2001, there are 450 million people who are suffering from kinds of mental and brain illness. Besides, every 1 in 4 exerts some disturbance during the life time. In China, due to the statistical data of Disables Persons Federation of 2010, the population of mental disabled reaches to 6.29 million. It differs from other diseases on several aspects of high recidivism, low recovery rate, special clinical manifestation and its variation. The patients usually have mixed cognition, strong spontaneous behavior and the possibility of accidents. In addition to the feature of chronic disease and can’t be healed in a short time, the care of patients needs much time and money. The individual family usually could not bear the much input and long time investment, which makes the absent or even lack of guardian. In recent years, the psychiatric patients are highrisk group of troublemaking, which causes many tragedies and hidden troubles to the harmonious society. Therefore, providing necessary support for psychiatric patients is not only the obligation of every family, but the responsibility of the whole society. In the view of the overall situation, the weakness of psychiatric patients support and lack of supporters are difficult to meet the requirements of patients. In compare to the city area, the rural shares limited medical recourses due to the lower level of economic development. So the worse situation needs more social support and a sound system of social support. Therefore, the author analysis the social support for psychiatric patients in rural area by exploring the act of L County, making conclusion of the problems and reasons on this issue and also explore the supportive ability of psychiatric patients in country.The whole thesis can be parted to six sections. The first part is Introduction, which illustrates the background and meaning of research on social supports of rural area psychiatric patients and arranges related papers from both home and abroad. The second part is research and design. In this section the author introduces the research method of this article as questionnaire and interviewing for the first. After elaborating the key conception in the paper, the author introduces the general frame of the whole paper. The information got from questionnaire and interview is the most important result for this research. The author gets the conclusion of that the current situation of psychiatric patients is not good in total from four aspects of social supports as follows: economic background, life guardians, safety protection and emotion attention. The fourth part mainly focuses on the main problems and the reasons concluded from the research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural, Mental patients, Social support
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