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Study On The Traditional Medication Law Of Psychological Disorder With The State Of Depression

Posted on:2015-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330467455979Subject:Internal medicine of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To investigate the traditional therapy theory and medication law ofpsychological disorder with the state of depression, including the prescription law,high-frequency medicines, commonly used drug combinations. And to further provideideas and methods for clinical treatment.Methods: The database of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) prescriptionmedication for the treatment of psychological disorder with depression was established bycombining the data and statistical principles, and by applying the TCM heritage auxiliarysystems. General data statistics and association rules analysis were utilized to furtherexplore the association of prescriptions.Results:318Prescriptions include293Chinese medicines were counted and the types,characteristics and channel tropisms were analysed. The frequency of use, types andcharacteristics of the top50high-frequency medicines were also analyzed. Meanwhile, thetherapy theory, prescribing patterns and association rule were summarized.Conclusions: The traditional clinical prescription medications and prescription law intreating psychological disorder with the state of depression were summarizedsystematically. Furthermore, the methods based on regulating vital energy, restoringdeficiency, and replenishing functional activities were proposed to supply a new idea forthe treatment of psychological disorder with the state of depression.
Keywords/Search Tags:State of Depression, Treatment of Depression, Medication Law
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