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Investigating The Blood Pressure Level And Its Influence Factors In Residents Of Chongqing

Posted on:2015-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330434454700Subject:Epidemiology and Health Statistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: To analyse the change regularity and influence factors ofthe systolic and diastolic pressure. Understanding the prevalence ofhypertension, impaired fasting glucose, dyslipidemia prevalence rate, andrenal damage in patients with hypertension. It is provided scientificevidence for the formulation of control strategy in hypertension.Methods: Local residents above the age of15was selected bystratified multistage random sampling. They were required questionnairesurvey, physical examination, and the detection of blood and urine sample.Results: A chort of4772participants were enrolled in theinvestigation(rural:2918, urban:1854, male:2363, female:2409). Only1003people were randomly selected to detect blood and urine. The meanage was47.74±19.12. The prevalence of hypertensive was28.00%, whichwas greater in rural than urban(31.15%vs23.03%). The relevance ratio ofprehypertensive was38.37%, which was also greater in rural thanurban(40.06%vs35.71%). The increased systolic blood pressure was the main type of pressure distribution in prevalence of hypertension. From35to44years old, the prevalence of prehypertension and normal pressure wasdecreased with aging(P<0.05), but hypertension rates was rising. The levelof blood pressure increased with the increasing of age, blood lipid, bloodglucose, microalbuminuria, visceral adiposity index, waist circumference,and body mass index(P<0.05). Blood pressure in male and rural populationwas higher than the female and urban. Besides LDL-C, there was a positivecorrelation between the systolic or/and diastolic pressure and these factors,being negatively correlated with HDL-C(P<0.05). The proportion of highvisceral adiposity index and abdominal obesity was close(30.91%vs29.56%). Visceral adiposity index and waist circumference had a positivecorrelativity, and having a negative correlation to HDL-C. The level ofmicroalbuminuria was increasing along with the gradually increased bloodpressure, and had a positive correlativity with diastolic blood pressure.Conclusions: This study indicates that hypertension is prevalent inChongqing, and large parts of prehypertensive population have more risk todeveloping hypertension. Residents who are aged35to44should pay moreattention to their blood pressures. The prevention and control ofhypertension must be considered in rural. Age, sex, differences in urbanand rural, blood lipid, blood glucose, microalbuminuria, visceral adiposityindex, waist circumference, and body mass index may be the influencefactors of the blood pressure level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hypertension, Blood pressure, Influence factor, Visceraladiposity index, Microalbuminuria
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