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The Study Ofthe Pathogens Is And The Specific Treatment Plan Of Thirsty In 《Treatise On Exogenous Febrile Disease》

Posted on:2015-07-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X S LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2284330431979588Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Thirsty which usually considered as kind of simultaneous phenomenon by clinical staff. It seems plain,but consider further we will found it is substantial and above superficial. Meanwhile it’s kind of dependable evidence for the innate character which course the disease. Physicians over the ages think highly of thirsty phenomenon.According to thirsty they decide the treatment principle and formulate the prescribes. We can figure out the importance of Thirsty from 《SHI WEN GE》, which a verse considered as rudimentary knowledge to TCM beginners, one of the SHI WEN is thirst or not. Thirsty means have a cobweb in the throat. Thirsty not only reflex the decline and grow, but also the distribute and transport of body liquid. what brought on the illness could be inner or outer factors, in clinical application a lot of doctors considered as heat, according to that they decide the treatment principle as clearing heat and nourishing.Some is effective, some is not. The reason is lacking of systematic diagnosis and targeting treatment.ObjectiveCollecting the clause which is refer to Thirsty in《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》 and 《Huang Di Nei Jing》 to sum up the experience to guide the clinical application.Methods1.Collecting the clauses and prescriptions which refer to Thirsty in 《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》, and combine the analyze of Thirsty in 《synopsis of The Golden Chamber》, to explain the etiology of thirsty in each syndrome2. inhibited urination and abnormal sweating appear in the clauses which refer to Thirsty in 《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》 most of the time. Drinking Urinating and sweating all reflex not only the decline and grow, but also the distribute and transport of body liquid. This paper will analyze the pathogenesis and the specific treatment plan of thirsty, at the same time, the pathogenesis of inhibited urination or abnormal sweating appear in one and the same clause as proof.3. Summarize the systematic diagnosis and targeting treatment for clinical application.ResultThirsty not only reflex the decline and grow, but also the distribute and transport of body liquid, Clauses refer to thirsty caused by the decline of body liquid, for example Clause71and Clause137in 《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》, After the adoption of a diaphoretic to taiyang disease, the patient has profuse perspiration and dryness in the stomach, feels restless,, unable to fall asleep and thirsty.Drinking a little water will harmonize the stomach-qi and therefore bring about recovery. When patient feel thirsty and can’t feel relive by drinking water it means there is something wrong with the distribute and transport of body liquid.Conclusionthe etiology and the specific treatment plan of thirsty in《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》 comes from the following clause in《Huang Di Nei Jing》:When water is taken into the stomach, essence in distributed around and transported to the spleen. The spleen distributed essence and transports it upwards to the lung, the lung regulate water passage infuse into the bladder. essence of water is distributed all through the body and into the five meridians of the Five Zang-organs, conformity to the changes of the four seasons, as well as Yin and Yang of the five organs. estimation and measure in daily life. In view of all aspects of the problem we can figure out the pathogenesis and formulation in 《treatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》1. Stomach can’t transport the essence to the spleen:1.1Dryness in the stomach,that no essence could transport to spleen,1.2the rules of treatment:drinking a little water to harmonizing thestomach-qi.1.3Excessive heat in the stomach consume and dissipate the body liquid, the principle of the treatment:clearing heat Accumulating heat in the upper, Big Xianxiong decoction will be a curative, Accumulating heat in the under,Chenqi decoction can be adopted.2. the spleen can’t distributed essence and transport it to lung:2.1the spleen tends to suffer from dampness, the therapeutic principle:invigorating the spleen for eliminating dampness, Wuling powder will be a curative.2.2the spleen tends to suffer from the vaporization of interior pathogenic heat combing with dampness, the rules of the treatment:clearing heat and eliminating dampness, Oriental Worm-wood decoction can be used to treat the syndrome.2.3Deficiency of spleen-yang the principle of the treatment:warming and invigorating the spleen, Lizhong decoction even the Sini decoction can be adopted.3. the lung have difficult in regulating the water passage that can’t infuse liquid into bladder:3.1Lung cold can’t regulate the water passage the therapeutic principle:warm the lung and scattering the cold, Small blue dragon decoction can be adopted in the case as remedy.3.2Excessive heat in lung causes thirst, the rules of the treatment:use pungent and bitter flavor to clearing heat, Baihu decoction adding Ginseng can be adopted3.3Accumulation of water-fluid, pathogenic heat and deficient yin that causes the shortage of lung-qi the principle of the treatment:clearing away heat, nourishing yin and promoting dieresis, Umbellate pore decoction can be adopted4. Failure of the triple energizer to discharge:4.1wood-qi deficiency, The therapeutic principle:harmonizing the shaoyang, Small Bupleurum decoction removing pinellia ternate and adding Ginseng, trichosanthes root can be used to treat the syndrome, if wood-qi and spleen-qi deficiency in combination, the decoction of bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig and dried Ginger can be used to treat the syndrome.4.2Excess of wood-qi the rules of the treatment:harmonizing the Jueyin Black plum pill will be a curative 5. Unsmooth transformation of the bladder,essence of the body liquid can’ t nourishing the throat:5. lln sufficiency of shen-yang, The principle of the treatment:warm the kidney and expelling cold, Sini decoction can be adopted...
Keywords/Search Tags:《reatise on Exogenous Febrile Disease》, Thirst, Inhibitedurination, abnormal sweating
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