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A Study On The Application Of Human - Based Coaching Model In Human Resource Management

Posted on:2015-08-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330452452353Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, China economy has entering a new fast-increasing stage, in light ofthe target raised in the Eighteenth Plenary Session of Chinese Communist Partyregarding deepening the reforms and opening–up comprehensively as well asimplementation of macro-economic regulations, enterprises are in face of aprominent problem when drafting and choosing business strategy.As we all know, we are in a complex, volatile and fiercely competitiveenvironment at present, therefore, it is extremely important to find a suitablemanagement method to help us survive and make further development in the future.Hereby, Ren Coaching Model, a creative human resource management tool, isintroduced to satisfy both management innovations and enterprise developmentrequests. Based on western coaching technology theory, it may overcome theshortcomings of traditional management by combining the Chinese culture and self-management theory; as a result, it has been a top option for the organization that ischasing better human resource management on the basis of constant exploring andpractical experience over the last20years. Briefly, starting from western mentalmodel, it may help individual formulate short-term and long-term goal, exploreleadership and potential, then motivate personal full capacity by regularly reviewingactivities and planning for improved performance. Moreover, by linking personalbehaviour with organization goal, it can also boost further development for theorganization as a whole, henceforth, enhance core competitiveness and advantages ofcompetition. Practice has already proved that the organizations that have realizedadvanced management strategy definitely revitalize the enterprises for a sustaineddevelopment.By using the theory model-Ren Coaching Model to a practical case-Jiu XianE-business Corporation, meanwhile exploring how it plays an important role inhuman resource management, the paper brings up the competitive strategies andadvanced management ideas which could help companies to maintain sustainabledevelopment in the keen market competition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ren Coaching Model, Human Resource Management, Enterprisedevelopment
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