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Policy Analysis On Price Fluctuation Of Vegetable Market In Shanghai

Posted on:2013-05-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y YeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vegetable prices have fluctuated violently at Shanghai market since2010. With analysis of some of the critical vegetable types and their production and distribution, this dissertation will discuss this phenomenon.This dissertation elaborates the influences of price fluctuation on vegetable growers, intermediaries and consumers respectively, arguing that vegetable growers, consumers with average to low incomes have suffered the most. There emerges the seesaw phenomenon----rowers suffer from the drop of vegetable prices while consumers suffer from the price jump. In the writer’s opinion, vegetable growers and consumers with average to low incomes should be emphasized in the influence analysis of price fluctuation. And they should become the targets of counter-measures to even the seesaw problem. This dissertation searches and discusses the main factors that can influence the stability of vegetable prices during its course of production, distribution and consumption, in order to find good counter-measures to deal with the fluctuation of vegetable prices.Relevant government departments attached great importance to the ups and downs of vegetable prices, producing a series of policies and measures to deal with the problem. This dissertation analyses the effects of these counter policies and measures, arguing that some of the measures did help to even vegetable prices while some policies, short-term and impractical, failed to reach the expected results. Thus for settling this seesaw problem, the writer suggests long-term policies and measures on basis of administrative system and mechanism.This dissertation outlines how Tokyo did to stable its vegetable prices, suggesting profiting from its experience to formulate counter mechanism and policies regarding Shanghai’s real need. The writer makes several suggestions, such as establishing long-term mechanism of government subsidies, setting up scientific and efficient information system of vegetable produce, developing vegetable producers’cooperative, accelerating the construction of vegetable producing bases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanghai, Vegetable Market, Price Fluctuation, Policy Analysis
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