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Study On The Russian Special Economic Zones

Posted on:2015-11-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2279330431997992Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on a large collection of related data at home and abroad andguided by the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, thispaper describes Russia’s special economic zones in detail by means ofcombining multidisciplinary knowledge and theories such as history,political economy, geopolitics, reginonal economics. Through theresearch of the Russian special economic zones, here hopes to providereference for Russia’s economy at home and abroad and to help China’sinvestors in Russia’s economic activities. Also it may serve as a referencefor China’s economic trade to Russian, which will contribute to a steadyand healthy development of economic trade between the two countries.This paper can be divided into seven sections: Introduction mainlyintroduces the relative research situation and research significance ofRussian special economic zones. The body part includes the first chapter,the establishment background of of Russian special economic zones. Inthis part, it describes establishment and development of the first specialeconomic zones, and summarizes the lessons and experiences of them.The second chapter, development of special economic zone Act in Russia.This chapter represents the establishment and development process ofSoviet free economy law. The third chapter, types of Russian specialeconomic zones. This chapter detailedly describes specific types of Russian special economic zones, summarizes the advantage of all typessuch as geography, politics, economy, science and technology, etc, andalso briefly intrucudes main operation items in each type of specialeconomic zone. The fourth chapter, influence of Russian specialeconomic zones. This chapter analysizes how establishment of specialeconomic zones in Russia played a significant role in economicdevelopment and the regional economic development, increasing theincome of residents, making more job opportunities and boosting growthof GDP. The fifth chapter takes China as lessons, introcuces that Russiahas learned a lot from the experience of China’s special economic zones.At the same time, it also does feasibility analysis on self-dependentinnovation special economic zones of Sino-Russian by Combining withthe characteristics of their own. Finally, Conclusion summarizes the maincontent of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Russia, special economic zones, economic development
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