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Research On Improve Of The Locomotive Operation Efficiency Issues

Posted on:2017-05-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330485487505Subject:Transportation engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the establishment of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the increasing optimization of the economic structure of the market economy, rail transport is the main artery of the national economy is increasingly dependent on the flow of goods and people affect the railway brought huge social benefits. Locomotive traction power rail transport, as well as China’s economic traction, carrying an important role in affecting the country’s economic and social development. Locomotive pulling the train forward, also bear the passenger and freight transport and dispatch station traction. But as the Chinese economy has entered a new normal, especially in the supply side of the wave of industrial restructuring structural reforms triggered by the development of China’s railway transportation industry with a dramatic change, but lagged locomotive efficiency and Promotion Strategy, and current contradictions of rail transport performance demands have become increasingly prominent, important research topic in both academia and practitioners is an important issue in-depth frontline locomotive recourse. According to the present study is to Sujiatun existing locomotive depot equipment and technology to issues related to Sujiatun depot locomotive starting, mainly from the problem analysis, we found and locomotive efficiency of some common aspects of performance and objective performance out of the dominant issues. Based effectively enhance the efficiency, cost concept locomotive, efficiency ideas, business concepts, the concept of service and other guidelines summarize and refine, and specific operating cost control, transportation efficiency, industry operators improve passenger and freight service upgrades content attribution to practice, and strive to find ways to improve locomotive efficiency in effective ways and methods.Sujiatun depot problems from the China Railway Transportation macro background, with a strong universal and representative, while these problems is a gradual deepening of the process that requires the ambitious economic and social and cultural pluralism elements comprehensive Interpretation of root cause analysis of problems, and conduct problems deconstruction and strategy design from the micro level, in particular to seek the institutional building locomotive operation and management and efficiency of the policy in practice, by the compression of the works walk the line, accelerating locomotive full turnaround, accelerate the transformation upgrades, reducing locomotive travel, to strengthen locomotive maintenance, improve the level of manipulation locomotive effective way to effectively improve work efficiency and service capabilities Sujiatun locomotive depot.
Keywords/Search Tags:locomotive efficiency, Crossing, Promotion strateg
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