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The Research And Application Of Network Management In Electric Project

Posted on:2015-06-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330470972141Subject:Electrical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is to analyze the situation of the network management in Electric project both at home and abroad then combined with the actual needs on improving management in the electric power construction enterprise, the network management system in Electric project based on Information technology is developed. This system is able to achieve the goals of network management project, providing full power construction project information management platform, so it can be used for a certain amount of power construction companies for construction project management.By analyzing the construction of traditional power management mode, the article presents the development direction of network management Based on the high-speed information and communication technology, multimedia interactive technology, cloud technology, and other digital technology. On this basis, a prospective study on the network management in Electric project was completed. According to the study, network management can be divided into three stages, namely the interactive information network, remote network management and data storage networking.Through the power network construction project management theory, using ASP.NET technology to build the B/S architecture, the paper developed the "Cang hai" project management system based on the interactive information network. By combing process, the system established the "Project Manager" and "Project Leader" in the management of the core. Modular development approach, the system has developed nine functional service modules, including approval of management, contract management, financial management, materials management, project quality schedule management, project management performance quantification, project data management, customer contact management and statistical reporting equipment report module. Rely on optimizing management processes and workflow tracking, through the project "man, machine, material, method" five-factor for all-round control, storage and processing by means of a comprehensive project information, the system provides information support and technical support for the auxiliary enterprise management and decision analysis. Moreover, the system provides some useful lessons for the relevant units.So far, the "Cang hai" project management system has been running for six months in the practical application, fully applied to the existing 136 customer projects. Before and after the application of the system, the average duration of a single project reduced from 18 days to 14 days, engineering data intact rate from 88% to 100%, professional management staff efficiency by 25%, construction costs and a controlled rate to achieve the acceptance rate of 100%, the company has produced 2.0852 million yuan of direct economic benefits.As a further research foundation, the author analyzed the further development direction of the "Cang hai" project management system and discussed the construction of electricity remote network management model in the end of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electric projec, Project management, Network, System
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