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Comparative Study Of The Existing Housing In The Cities Of China And The Russian Far East

Posted on:2015-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Bagina Ekaterina B J NFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330467486362Subject:Architectural Design and Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The study of the residential construction is the one of the priority researches, both in China, and in Russia. Russian and Chinese scientists have been studied the different parts in the residential design and construction in their countries. Despite the fact that the problems and development of the existing housing construction are studied by each party, but until now the comparative analysis of existing residential buildings in Dalian and Khabarovsk has not been made.The research geographic boundaries are defined by the Dalian city (China) and Khabarovsk city (Russian Far East). The choice of these boundaries is associated with the two-sided contribution to the research, as the author is from Russia and the scientific supervisor is from China.The research goal of this study is to make the comparative analysis and indentify similarities and differences in the existing residential building construction in the cities of China and the Russian Far East. As a result of the comparative analysis, the author found out the features of the housing construction formation in Dalian city and Khabarovsk city:1) The historical development of the residential building construction in Dalian and Khabarovsk was studied2) The author analyzed the natural and climate, economic, demographic conditions for regional housing construction in Dalian and Khabarovsk3) The planning solutions, functional contents, stylistic decisions of the existing housing in Dalian and Khabarovsk were compared4) Similarities and differences in existing normative documents on design of residential buildings in China and Russia were analyzed and identifiedThe study revealed that the housing construction in the cities of China and Russian Far East has the similar and distinctive features. These features of the residential building construction in the two countries will help in further for the mutual exchange of the experience in the housing design and construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:existing housing, comparative analysis, China, Russia
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