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Modern Streetcar System Planning

Posted on:2014-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LongFull Text:PDF
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With the national urban transport transformation and further development, people-centered and sustainable development as a core strategy In China’s urban high-density, high-intensity development and construction mode, the vehicle exhaust pollution has become the city’s major sources of air pollution, traffic congestion has become a social nuisance, the priority development of public transport has been the only way for the development of urban transport. Tram system has been widely used in the past, due to modern technological breakthroughs, modern streetcar system as an environmentally friendly mode of transport in the contemporary city set off a wave of revival in the city how to plan modern rail tram system has great research value.First, the article defines the concept of a modern streetcar system, analyzes the major component of the modern streetcar system, and in-depth study of a modern streetcar system and other public transport system relations for the modern streetcar system in the contemporary city value of research, planning model study, research laid the foundation for the planning process.Secondly, through qualitative and quantitative analysis, combined with domestic and international practice case for modern streetcar system application value in contemporary urban studies, the application value into ecological value, economic value, social value, cultural value, landscape value five categories.Again, through domestic and international practice case studies of modern streetcar system planning mode is divided into metropolitan planning model, small urban planning model, a special regional planning mode three categories. Each category planning model analyzes and summarizes their specific content, and summarized a planning model and regional applicability summary table.Then, the modern streetcar system planning process is divided into pre-planning research phase, network planning stage, the circuit implementation of the planning stage. Each stage summarizes the specific planning research content and methods.Finally, the article through modern streetcar system planning example application analysis, synthesis, application of the articles proposed model of the modern streetcar system planning, research planning process to verify the validity of research articles.
Keywords/Search Tags:Modern streetcar systems, application value, planning model, planning process
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