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Zoomlion Truck Crane Design

Posted on:2015-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2272330431950397Subject:Art and design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Construction machinery and equip me nt is a genera l term for constructionmachinery, ha ve a very strong profess iona l and multi-functiona l.Early in the1600BC, China has used machinery instead of manua l. During the time of industria lrevolution, the productivity unprecedented deve lopment, heavy machinery industryalso rise rapid ly. After World War II, the world’s countries to further strengthe n theemphas is on the machinery industr y, because of it to some extent reflects thecomprehe ns ive nationa l strength. During the purchase of constructio n machinery,Users primary cons ideratio n is the functiona l and technica l le ve ls and other ind icators,but in recent years, users begin to regard the shape, color, comfort, also has a growingnumber of require me nts. For the Zoomlion truck crane design project, throughreasonable design reflects of high qua lity and obvio us brand recognition and visua leffect, will be the key to the success of the who le project.This paper as cranes for the study, through practical projects of Zoo mlion, tomeet the emotiona l needs of users while achieving the core va lue of industria ldesign. In this paper, Zoomlion truck crane design process as the ma in clues. Firstly,We ana lyzed Zoomlion’s design require ments a nd task; and then studied the truckcrane use scenarios, comb ining the design target a nd research structure consideringthe scheme; according to ZOOMLION’s feedback to change program. Fina llycome true the iterative design of the truck crane. In the design process re main distinctZoomlion ‘s style. The design progra m provides a useful summary of theory andpractice for truck crane or the who le construction machinery modeling.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zoomlion cranes, construction machinery, design, design process
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