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The Evolution Research Of Fifteen Sub-provincial Cities Competitiveness

Posted on:2015-01-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428496471Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Different city location, the ability to gather capital and talent, the limitations ofinformation technology has led to the city’s positioning and development differ.Proper understanding and evaluation of urban competitiveness, contribute to the cityto find their correct city location, and in order to develop appropriate strategicdecision to develop and promote the city ’s competitiveness and competitive positionin order to ensure a sustainable future. Fifteen sub-provincial cities, mostly regionalcentral city, is an important group, enjoy more national policies and resources, thereis a stronger concentration, but in the increasingly fierce economic environment,scramble qualifying a lot of pressure, and to choose their mode of economicdevelopment around the city will also have a leading role in circle city. Therefore, inthe context of sustainable development, evaluation of sub-provincial city and researchneeds to establish a comprehensive evaluation system, to develop and enhance thecore competitiveness of this choice for the future development direction of China’seconomy, the strategic decision has very important.In this paper, the theoretical researches urban competitiveness, based on variousscholars learn about the city ’s competitiveness model of competitive empiricalanalysis on the competitiveness of the fifteen sub-provincial cities evolve analysis.Select the fifteen sub-provincial cities: Shenyang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing,Wuhan, Changchun, Chengdu, Xi’an, Harbin, Jinan, Hangzhou, Dalian, Qingdao,Xiamen and Ningbo, build a model of urban competitiveness, a total of six levelindicators,19secondary indicators and66indicators to establish a three-tier systemof competitiveness indicators, collected from2006to2010five-year data, usingSPSS19.0statistical analysis software, the choice of principal component analysis toextract principal component factor of fifteen sub-provincial cities and quantitativeanalysis of the outcome score scoring and sorting, analyzing sub-provincial citycompetitiveness from2006to2010economic strength, infrastructure, power,financial strength, open evolution of degree, industry structure, competitiveenvironment six aspects of the evolution of individual competitiveness and overall competitiveness, analyze the relationship between various types of competitivefactors and between urban competitiveness, according to the analysis concluded thatthe full text of this article, and on this basis proposed the development of fifteensub-provincial cities suggestions and upgrade strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban competitiveness, cone model, principal component analysis, deputy provincial cities
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