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Effectiveness Of Recruitment For SMEs

Posted on:2015-02-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428460459Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As today’s world economic developed, the corporate is an important drivingforce.Because of wide distribution, the significantnumberand flexible features,SMEsbecome a solid foundation for sustained and stable increasing in national economies.In30years’ reform, SMEsdeveloped rapidly in China. According to statistics, the numberof SMEs reached more than1100million, which accounts for more than99%of thenational total.In2010,SMEs created60percent of the GDP and the contribution of revenuewas more than50%. SMEs Provided80%of jobs. And also, SMEs provided strongsupport for our market prosperity, economic growth, expanding employment. It hasbecome an important force in China’s national economic development.However,according to statistics of Guangdong Province, in recent years, SMEscontinue to suffer the impact of the economic tide and face unprecedented pressure. Theaverage life of SMEs is only3.7years. Financing costs, employers and other problemsplaguing the deep development and survival of SMEs. Particularly, the most difficultproblem isthe lack of employees who have Corresponding talent. Today’s job market hastalent employees.But SMEs is limited by small scale, limited funds etc. it can’t " snatch "talent employees compared with large enterprises. Coupled with inadequate humanresources management of SMEs, it is very easy to enter the "misunderstanding" that doeseverything possible to attract talent employees, no matter what costs it takes.At the sametime, a serious brain drain is caused by the “misunderstanding”. So, the development ofSMEs is difficult.So,what kind of recruitment is effective recruiting and how to improve the efficiencyof corporate recruiters should be noticed by SMEs. I believe that SMEs should adoptmodern investigation to know about their own characteristics, and through scientificanalysis of human resource management, corporate recruiters could improve theeffectiveness of target companies for recruitment purposes.KD Chemical Co., Ltd. is specialized in chemical materials, production and sales,engineering services and technical consulting units, mainly in product sales and technicalconsulting services based high efficiency model of the enterprise. The company’s existingstaff is150people. It just developed five years. Because of the strong impact of BASF andother foreign companies, the company has serious brain drain, particularly in the salesengineer. Sales Engineer is a significant sell-dominated sector. Training an engineer, youneed to spend a lot of time and money. while a qualified sales engineer also needs at leastone-year of work experience. So losing this kind of enterprise staff is very deadly. Tocompensate in the recruitment of job vacancies is particularly important for businesses.Every year, KD Chemical Co., Ltd. conduct to compensate for the lack of recruitmentactivities, and personnel needed for its development of its own post. But the result is notideal. I found it is due to its own imperfect human resources management. I will analyze itsrecruitment. Meanwhile, according to the principle of recruiting effectiveness, I willpropose ways to improve the company’s recruitment.
Keywords/Search Tags:SMEs, effectiveness of recruitment
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