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Jinan Tourism Industry Layout And The Research Of Trends

Posted on:2015-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425496504Subject:Human Geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tourism industry is always an sunrise industry. The development of tourism industryreflects at two aspects, amplifying time series and optimizing spatial structure. In the era of"the twelfth five years", the tourism industry of Jinan is facing a good developing opportunity.In2012, the population of Jinan was46,679,000and the total income of its tourismindustryreached46,180,000,000. So the study of the tourism industry’s layout situation anddevelopment problems is not only good for Jinan’s development, but also be of a goodreference to other provinces.On the basis of national and international research progress and on the accordance ofTourism location theory, central theory, growth pole theory, point shaft and tourist destinationlife cycle theory, industrial cluster theory etc., this thesis firstly did a descriptive research onJinan’s tourism industry and the spatial layout of its tourism spots. In consideration of theindustry’s particularity,the paper mainly chooses tourism spot as an industry element toimplement on research. According to the evolving characteristics of regular industries’structure and tourism spots’ developing situation, Jinan’s tourism industry’s development canbe divided into two stages--Dot gathered and Network layout.And on that basis, we furtheranalyze Jinan’s tourism industry’ layout development by elaborating its background and spots’distribution characteristics of the two stages. We mainly do quantitative analysis of Jinan’stourism layout with the methods of the method of Gini coefficient and the method of Nearindex. All the six parts of the thesis is as follows:The first chapter mainly presents research background, significance and the content andmethods of the study, and also a summary of national and international research currentsituation.The second chapter is the theoretical principle. It firstly introduces related concepts suchas tourism, tourism industry and its whole layout. Then it is about related theories, eg.The third chapter mainly analyzes Jinan’s current situation of its tourism industry. Theresearch results shows that Jinan’s tourism spots’ distribution gathers, and its distribution isobviously unbalanced. Its spots mainly distribute at the area of Lixia and Licheng, less at thearea of Zhangqiu, Chanqqing, Shizhong, Huaiyin, Tianqiao and Pingyin and the least atShanghe and Jiyang County.Owing to the absence of traveling functioning of Jinan’s northpart,Jinan’s landscape belt stretchs to east,west and south, making the distribution unbalanced.The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the development of Jinan’s tourism layout. The research result shows that it can be devided into two stages:Dot gathered(1978-2000)andNetwork layout(2001up to now). The research makes it clear that compared with Dotgathered, tourism spots’ development of the Network layout is not only characteristic ofconcentration, but also of spreadth. The main performance is that the ratio of Licheng andLixia’s tourism spots in Jinan goes down; but other areas’ developing scale is getting larger; inthe influence of industrial and business increase of Zhangqiu and Changqing Area, themeparks are being developed step by step; Tianqiao and Pingyin County mainly developsecological tourism, and ecological agricultural spots increase followingly; Shanghe Countymainly develop spring tourism and has gained new development through this.The fifth chapter briefly analyzes the elements that influences Jinan’s tourism industrylayout, mainly from the angle of tourist market, location, society economy, traveling trafficand government regulation.The sixth chapter put forward some measures to the problems in the layout of Jinan’stourism industry. Firstly, develop more trip tourism and "one-day outing" tourism products forJinan’s local residents; Secondly, aiming at cities of Shandong Province, Beijing-TianjinDistrict, Changjiang Delta and other nearby provinces, make the brand "spring water" moreheard and attractive; thirdly, to aim at global markets, we should not only emphasize springtourism, but also "spring city" brand.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism Industry’s Layout, Industry Evolving, Jinan
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