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The Design And Implementation Of Teachers Management System

Posted on:2015-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330431453309Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increase in the number of teachers, teachers’ management of the industry because of the huge number and become more complicated, resulting in the maintenance and management of the school management and teacher training in the more difficult and complex, but the staff and workload data maintenance is also increasingly difficult, in order to solve these problems, while the corresponding information technology, proposed the establishment of the school teacher’s idea management system, combined with the current school situation, combined advanced design concepts and leading the development of technology, teacher management system the realization of the faculty’s overall management and control, information management system brings not only improve management efficiency, more important is the management of the school teachers make more scientific and standardized.Firstly, the background to the development of the system for a more detailed description, in conjunction with a comprehensive analysis of the status quo at home and abroad, to determine the need for further development of this system. First, determine customer needs, requirements analysis system, using the Unified Modeling Language UML, object-oriented thinking, by use case diagram, activity diagram or flowchart analyzed user needs teacher in the school management, foreign teachers to manage two modules gives the business logic of the internal display module. In the system design, the first technology-based systems, functional architecture, the environment and the deployment architecture related design and detailed design of the system, as well as project management of foreign teachers to go abroad for a comprehensive management of detailed design, including business logic design, database design, and class structure. The last part is the system implementation, mainly discusses the implementation of the interface, project management processes abroad and foreign teachers to achieve the jump to add implementation.System development using open source frameworks Structs+Spring+Hibernate, backstage business logic implementation using Java language, future development using Jsp, database using Mysql, using the model-driven ideas to complete the system configuration management; different functions based on business conduct modules designed to improve the system for each cohesion, reduce the coupling between modules between modules; system security, the use of filters manage role-based permissions, and set common filter to enhance the security of the system operation; system scalability well-designed interface system in order to achieve reuse and integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teacher Management, Process, UML Model
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