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Research And Design Of Tourism Service System Based On B/S Mode

Posted on:2014-09-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425967778Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the economy boost and elevated living standards, tourism has become one ofthe major industries in China. On the other hand, the globalization of industries andeconomies has urged the national tourism industry to evolve in a world-wideenvironment. In such a situation, it is important to apply the information technology (IT)in tourism industry, to increase its sustainability and competitiveness. Moreover,integrating IT into tourism-oriented business leads to more efficient managements andreduced operating cost for service providers. It also contributes to better services fortourists.In this thesis, we develop a tourism service information system (TSIS) as aplatform of exchanging information between the users and the service providers, usingthe.NET technology. In this system, we use ASP.NET to design the web pages forreleasing tourism information, and we use ADO.NET to encapsulate the logics anddatabase operations. The system is built upon a Client/Server (CS) architecture, whichenables systems administrators to send tourism information and notifications to users,and tourists to send their booking information to the service providers. On the otherhand, we utilize modern browser/server (BS) techniques to design a front-end interfacebetween the users and the back-end system. With the BS interface, users can access thesystem using any web browser, rather than client software installed on their devices.The structure of this thesis is described as follows. Chapter1addresses the backgroundand the state of the art of TSISs. In Chapter2, we discuss the techniques used for thesystem development. In Chapter3, we make analysis on the system requirements andfunctionalities, including the release of tourism news and tour information, picturesharing, and tourist forum etc. Chapter4discusses the system design, including thenetwork topology, system architecture, implementation, hardware/software platform,and functionalities of the sub-modules. The technical details of the systemimplementation are described in Chapter5where the designs of the database and thefunctional sub-modules are discussed. Chapter6gives a brief view of the testing of thedeveloped system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism service system, requirement analysis, client/server model, brower/server model
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