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The Study Of Xu Zhucheng’s News Comment

Posted on:2014-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N HeFull Text:PDF
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As a very famous newspaper man, news commentator and news educator in China, Xu Zhucheng is committed to the dream of running a newspaper all through his lifetime. His achievements and status in the history of Journalism mainly come from his abundant experience when he is in charge of Wenhui newspaper and Takunghao newspaper Hong Kong and Guilin version. Taking the stand of people and adhering to the nature of Folk newspaper, Xu advocates anti-Japanese national salvation, disseminate justice, disclose the suffering of the people and denouncing the political illness. This thesis, through detailed analysis and paraphrasing of his commentary, aims to conclude the characteristics of topic selection, writing style and spiritual essence of his commentary, which has to some extent historical significance.The part introduces the background of his news commentary. After analyzing the political environment, Xu’s knowledge framework and his newspaper guide, the writer of this thesis concludes that the reason why Xu reaches such a high attainment is threefold: the complicated era provides him with the opportunity, his abundant knowledge guarantees his distinctiveness and the guidance from his seniors gives him the chance to display his talents.Then the page studies his topic selections and his arguments by analyzing the contents of the news commentary and concludes that the topics and arguments of over2000news commentaries written by him can be summarized from four aspects, namely, the comments about anti-Japanese war, the comments about the performance of Chinese people during the war, the analysis towards domestic and international situation and the appeal for a democratic country after the victory of anti-Japanese war.The third part conducts a research towards the writing styles of his commentary. Under the same era background, the reasons why Xu’s commentaries become the beacon illuminating the society are not only his topic selection and arguments, but also his artful writing styles, which can be summarized into the property of news, using rhetoric and vivid imaging, through reasoning and pursuing the art of fighting.The last part analyses the spiritual essence of his news commentary from the perspective of thoughts. After studying the contents of his commentaries under the era background, the writer of this thesis concludes the main spiritual essence is celibacy, which means different interpretation towards liberal thoughts of news and nationalism, the national ideology reflected in his commentaries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xu Zhucheng, News commentary, Politieal attitude, Spiritual connotation
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