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Design And Implementation Of Vehicle Dispatching Management System

Posted on:2014-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401973703Subject:Agricultural extension
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With the continuous development of information management, the artificial dataprocessing technology gradually the era of the information society eliminated and replaced bya new information management technologies, due to the low efficiency, correctness, theinformation is difficult to save, query time-consuming, modify complicated shortcomings.With the rapid development of the vehicle leasing industry, how effective management ofvehicles, has always been a problem of the vehicle leasing company.The study proceed from the actual situation of the vehicle leasing company. Build apractical vehicle scheduling management system in accordance with the principle tostrengthen the monitoring and management, improve service levels and service efficiency.Provide a perfect vehicle information management platform. Facilitate staff enterprise vehicleinformation management, strengthen the visual query and the day-to-day running of thecompany vehicle monitoring. Vehicle information integration, query, and usage statisticsreleased to provide basis for decision making, as well as to carry out the performanceevaluation, promotion of vehicle management information. The main content is as follows:(1) Architecture design based on the C#language and. Net FrameworkUsing a three-tier structure of the logic, business logic and data access logic mode.Improve the system code reuse and reduce the degree of coupling between modules, reducethe maintenance costs of the system, which will help task allocation and processing of theinformation flow.(2) Based on the SQL Server2005database application technologyThis system use powerful SQL Server2005relational database management system tocomplete the system data storage and processing, for the system to provide the underlyingdata management support.(3) Based on the concept of software engineering analysis and design systemAccording to the Waterfall Model of software engineering, feasibility analysis,requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, coding, test. Each class iscompleted in accordance with the time node generates a feasibility analysis, requirements specifications, outline design specification, detailed design specification, test documentationto complete the design and development of the entire system.(4) Business modeling based on UMLAccording to different module, using UML modeling Create Use-case Diagram, ClassDiagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram. Using object-oriented graph descriptions ofeach module, analysis of user needs and design model.The design is based on the C#language in Visual Studio2008development environmentand SQL Server2005to complete implementation. Combination of advanced softwaredevelopment technology, to achieve a predetermined vehicle rental, leasing, and the return ofthe settlement of the core functionality. Completion of the contract information, vehicleinformation, user information management and statistical operations. Build a strong practicalvehicle scheduling management system. Improve the efficiency and accuracy of the work, forconducting performance assessments provide the basis for decision making, and promote thevehicle management information.
Keywords/Search Tags:vehicle dispatching management system, monitoring management, management platform, informatization
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